Ephesians is a letter in the NT, typically supposed to have ben authour by Paul to the Ephesians but not only the Authorship is debated but so is the target audience, the Ephesians part not being noted in the earliest available scriptures.
Dated at around 8-100 AD and supposedly during Paul's captivity, it does gives us some insight into (perhaps) 2nd generation Chrisianity and Paul's effect on them.
Chapter 1 has some passages of note:
Grace is given freely (we are blessed with it) by Jesus ( called Beloved or The One he, God, loved) -1:6
In Jesus we have redemption, forgiveness of Sins according to God's Grace - 1:7
God's plan is to bring everything ( heaven and earth) together under Jesus, God has an (unknown to Us) Timeline for that. - 1:10
We have been chosen ( are heirs), predestined according to God - 1:11 and, being the first to have hope in Christ, might be for the praise of Hid Glory - 1:12.
1:13 -"AND YOU were also included when you heard the Word of Truth, the gospel and having believed, were marked by the Holy Spirit with a SEAL". The mention of the SEAL is brought up again in EPH 4:30 in rgeards to the Day of Redemption.
Paul states here that ALL ( YOU in plural) who here the word, the Gospel and Believe , will have the SEAL of the HS- perhaps a cluse to Revelation ??
In verses 19-23 Paul repeates on of his more sommon messages:
How Jesus died and by the power of GOD was ressurected from the dead, seated at the right hand in Heaven, above ALL authority, rule and power and dominion and every title that may be given in THIS AGE AND THE AGE TO COME.
God placed all things under his feet and appointed him Head over everything for the Chrurch(assembly) that is his Body.
In the above Paul adds "in this age and the age to come", making it clear that, now and forever, Jesus is lord and saviour of ALL.