Get Better Soon, FlyingHighNow ...

by snowbird 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    FHN- Hope you get to feeling better soon sis ! Peace out, Mr. & Mrs. Flipper

  • caliber


    Sure hope you feel better see folks when you're a single person

    raising your grandson sometimes you go to work sick, nothing comes easy !

    Sometimes I wonder when hear certain comments if they truly understand what a loving and

    self-sacrificing person FHN really is ! Her whole life has involved service to others at cost beyond

    her means .

    because you're a swell chick & have a heart of gold ....


  • FlyingHighNow

    Thank you, Caliber. I would hope any of them would do the same for their family and friends.

  • snowbird

    Well, good to see you, FHN!

    My hat's off to you.

    I'm also one of those self-sacrificing grandmas.


  • undercover

    Get well soon, FHN...

  • FlyingHighNow

    Thank you, Undercover.

    Sylvia, recently one of my friends from high school said to me about putting my life on hold to raise Julian,

    "Heather, I think when we get to the end of our lives, what will matter most to us is what we did for others, not the things we did for ourselves."

    And I must agree. Julian's at the beginning of his life. He can make the right choices, go to college, stay out of high control cults, have a good, productive, meaningful journey. That matters most to me. And he's a very good kid. Sweet and adorable, wise beyond his years. I tell him he is the best thing that's happened to me in my life. He gives me good motivation to fight and keep getting up when I get knocked down. Sometimes I am not sure if I could do that just for me, not everytime. Taking care of Julian has shown me the true inner strength I have.

  • snowbird

    I know what you mean, FHN.

    My oldest daughter, wild and reckless when she left the JW's, made stupid choices when it came to men.

    She married too young and had kids too soon.

    She left her husband and became pregnant by a guy who was killed, before the baby was born, in a drug deal gone bad.

    I am now raising that baby who is going on 12; she's the smartest of her 5 siblings, and plans on becoming a pediatrician.

    Incidentally, she's been able to spell p-e-d-i-a-t-r-i-c-i-a-n since she was the ripe new age of 5!


  • FlyingHighNow

    Sylvia, you're amazing. What you are doing for your daughter and grandaughter is wonderful. I am glad your grandaughter is doing so well. She is lucky to have you in her life. You are her angel.

    Julian is still not sure exactly what he wants to be, but it will involve design and use his creativity. He was accepted into classes at Kendall College of Art and Design for two classes this summer and then into a writer's camp for the gifted at Grand Valley University Graduate school.

    I just picked him up from Episcopal Youth Camp on Saturday. Every year when I go to sign him out, the youth director for the West Michigan Diocese tells me, "Julian was a joy to have this year. Just amazing." This year I went back in and asked her for details. She told me that Julian had two counselors in his cabin and two campers who had not been to EYC before. He took a leadership role in helping them learn the ins and outs. She said he joyfully participates in everything, especially the daily Eucharist and keeps everyone laughing and smiling. She told me when he turns 16, in three years, she wants him to train as a counselor. Julian is very spiritual. He gets it. The Episcopal Church is not about extensive, rigid bible study, fear or control. It's much more about spirit and Julian connects with that beautiful spirit. He serves at the alter at our church. At camp they get to assist the visiting priests with the Eucharist. He treasures that. Of course most of camp is about regular camp stuff, swimming, hiking, boating, archery and campfire singing, etc.

    Every year he comes back from camp with some amazing girlfriend left behind. I just dropped him off at the mall to meet this year's girl and her grandmother for an hour. They drove all the way here from Muskegon, 50 miles away. Adults love Julian, even if he does have David Cassidy hair.

  • snowbird

    I see a twofold blessing here - Julian in having you, and you in having him.

    Thanks for that, FHN.

    I need the uplift.


  • caliber

    Seeing that this thread has moved away from get well wishes to focus on grand kids .. just thought

    I'd add something that may be helpful for us as parents or in this case grandparents to remember !

    It's about raising happy kids.... happiness is the beginning and end all for all things worth living !

    The first is the importance of modeling happiness. You can’t give something you don’t have. How can you teach kids happiness if you don’t have it yourself? Some parents think loving their family means living only for them, driving them everywhere, cleaning up after them, and putting their kids’ needs and desires way ahead of their own. Parenting should’t turn us into a short-order restaurant or a cleaning or taxi service. It does for some parents. That teaches kids a bad lesson. A child who perceives his parent as a servant

    The second tip I’ve learned for raising happy kids is the tremendous value of focused attention. The best form this can take is uninterrupted, one-on-one personal time with your child. Think back to your own childhood and some of your happiest memories. Chances are they include that hike you took with Dad, or the time you and Mom went to the restaurant for a dessert

    So to these two "outstanding Grandma's" I say not all thinking of self is selfish... but you can then reflect happiness and joy back on others!

    Shared happiness is best of all !!!.....

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