I'm sure you'll admit that others find what they like at church. It does not reflect negatively on you if others do enjoy church. I prefer the pub myself. I've certainly had some "spiritual" moments while partaking.
I'm sure people find something to like, otherwise they wouldn't keep going.
The good thing about Unitarian is that people who might not be accepted by mainstream churches have found a place to go to worship as they see fit. The acquaintance I mentioned earlier was a lesbian. She and her partner went there for obvious reasons since we're in the South and most mainstream churches didn't accept them.
It just kinda puzzles me why someone who has freed themselves from the superstition of religion, to consider themselves atheist even, would want to share in any form of religion...
I've been moved by the 'spirits' while at the pub myself. It was truly enlightening.
edited because I didn't see this while I was working on my post above:
This is totally different. People are going because they do like it. They would rather go than not go. It's not tied in with eternal salvation -- unless the individual assigns it this value.
I get your point...but it could be argued that JWs, Mormons and Catholics will tell you they go because they like it.
I like the Unitarian version of church, from what I know of it. But since I don't need to validate my non-belief in a higher power, I don't see the need to go. Just my opinion....and I don't fault anyone in going to the church of their choice. I beleive in freedom of religion. I support people who truly, really want to be JWs even. They have the right as much as people that want to go to the Unitarian church.