It is my feeling that no other group of people face a life quite like those of us who are shunned by our family and social network
of friends. The loss of both of these at the same time can do a enormous amount of emotional damage. I know, from my personal
experience that it affects my life greatly. I think I have made mistakes in the way that I have handled my life as a disfellowshipped
person. The main mistake I have made is trying to cling to family members who are shunning me. My one piece of advice is to
seriously consider accepting disfellowshipping and moving on quickly to form a new direction for your life, make new friends who
are supportive and try to understand how it feels to live as a shunned person. I am interested in reading what other people
have done to cope with being a shunned person. I consider myself in recovery and I continue to have good days and bad days, but
I still have hope that I will one day find true peace of mind after 21 years of struggling as a disfellowshipped person.