:At some point I'll give you guys my's pretty crazy.
ALL of our bios are pretty crazy, you know!
Dub A: Wanna go pet some lions?
Dub B: I HATE friggin' lions! I'd rather die than pet another one.
Dub A: Wanna go watch some lions hunt down and attack bales of straw? It's pretty cool how they corner and then gang up on those straw bales.
Dub B: NO!
Dub A: What do you want to do?
Dub B: Get me some new poontang, that's what.
Dub A: You know you can't do that. It's against the rules. How long you been married to your wife now?
Dub B: 192,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years.
Dub A: Yeah. I see what you mean.