Have they sunk to new lows?

by duped 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    I don't know exact figures but our fuel over here is several times more expensive than over there. Don't see any witnessing from cars here.
    Also, I don't suppose they've considered what damage they're doing to the environment by doing that?

  • Scully

    picosito writes:

    Can you give me the complete http://www.alt.religion.jehovahs-witn URL? I can't seem to make it work.

    I access alt.religion.jehovahs-witn via my newsgroup reader.

    You can also access it via google.com's deja-news Usenet archives.

    Here's the URL for the post I referred to:

    Sorry it's so long; try to copy and paste the URL into your browser. I hope it works!

    Love, Scully

    It is not persecution for an informed person to expose a certain religion as being false. - WT 11/15/63

  • Perry


    We used to take the mags out of the trash in laundry mats and redistribute new ones with a different article selected. Simply amazing.


    Your post just gave me the heebie jeebies big time. I remember being told shortly after baaptism that if we at least mentioned Jehovahs name at the door that we would be free of bloodguilt because the housholder knew they were rejecting Jehovah!

    I have a deep sense of regret because of the unloving things I used to do. I had no idea that the religion was so death oriented while I was active. YUK! I wish I could somehow apologize to all those people.


  • picosito

    Hi Scully:
    Yep, copy & paste worked like a gem. And thank you for that fine gem of a URL.

  • proplog2

    Anywhere you have a boundary you are going to have people throwing garbage over the wall. Boundary can be maintained by either defensive or offensive actions. As a child I remember being scorned by classmates because I didn't celebrate Christmas. Even some teachers tried to push holiday activities down my throat though I vigorously refused because my "young" conscience was offended.

    One of the few things JW's tell the truth about is - Christmas. It IS celebrated on Saturnalia NOT on Jesus' real birth date. The customs and symbols are taken from non-christian sources (pagan). It has increased the depression of children whose personal Santa Claus has not been able to afford a generous distribution of gifts.

    It sickens me how those of you who have left JW's think that celebrating Christmas is a symbol of your new found freedom. It is indeed a returning to vomit.

  • Richie

    You are right that X-mas is certainly a pagan celebration and I would not celebrate it although I tolerate it. Scully mentioned about a witness who unilaterally condems all of us, "because we are not in the truth anymore and therefore should be an apostate and we must be celebrating X-mas as well". This is the very mindset of incoherent reasoning of the witnesses at large, as they automatically assume you are celebrating all holidays after you left the Borg....
    That is a uniformity of thinking which I personally despise: it reeks of total ignorance and wayward presumptuousness.

    Richie :*)

  • Scully

    Proplog2 writes:

    Anywhere you have a boundary you are going to have people throwing garbage over the wall. Boundary can be maintained by either defensive or offensive actions. As a child I remember being scorned by classmates because I didn't celebrate Christmas. Even some teachers tried to push holiday activities down my throat though I vigorously refused because my "young" conscience was offended.

    One of the few things JW's tell the truth about is - Christmas. It IS celebrated on Saturnalia NOT on Jesus' real birth date. The customs and symbols are taken from non-christian sources (pagan). It has increased the depression of children whose personal Santa Claus has not been able to afford a generous distribution of gifts.

    It sickens me how those of you who have left JW's think that celebrating Christmas is a symbol of your new found freedom. It is indeed a returning to vomit.

    Well, it looks like somebody isn't up-to-date with their Watchtower reading!!

    Watchtower, December 15, 2001, page 29
    Questions from Readers

    ...she would have to refuse to engage in false religious acts....
    In the final analysis, the faithful Christian must weigh the facts and then decide what to do. ... the individual Christian has to decide what noncompromising things can be done at the request of one having authority in the family or in the community.
    So, my young judgemental friend, the Watchtower Society in its wisdom and loving kindness has opened the way for INDIVIDUAL CHRISTIANS to decide for themselves in regards to "holiday observances".

    Let's look at the issue to which you refer.... Christmas... and ask the questions (A)"Is this a matter of religious significance to the individual?" and (B) "Is this an act of worship??"

    1- Setting aside one special day to be thankful that we have a Saviour in Jesus.
    Religious significance? Maybe. Depends on who you ask.
    An act of worship? Hardly.
    PS: When Jesus was born, the angels in heaven (who had NO NEED of a ransom) rejoiced. Shouldn't humans who DO NEED A RANSOM rejoice just as much, if not more??

    2- Buying gifts for friends and loved ones.
    Religious significance? No.
    An act of worship? No.

    3- Enjoying a special meal with friends and loved ones.
    Religious significance? No.
    An act of worship? No.

    4- Having real or artificial greenery on the interior of your home?
    Religious significance? No.
    An act of worship? Only if you bow down to it.

    5- Having decorations on said greenery on the interior of your home?
    Religious significance? No.
    An act of worship? Again, only if you plan on bowing down to it.

    6- Decorating your home with lights? Snowmen? Snowflakes? Candy canes?
    Religious significance? No.
    An act of worship? Again, only if you plan on bowing down to it.

    7- Visiting friends and relatives?
    Religious significance? No. Jehovah's Witnesses do that too!
    An act of worship? Hardly.

    8- Sending greeting cards to friends and relatives?
    Religious significance? No.
    An act of worship? No.

    Now, my judgemental young friend, consider that your Watchtower God has permitted its followers to pick and choose certain pagan customs. For example: Weddings (in fact the whole tradition around weddings in general... the white dress... the bridal party... the rings... even the honeymoon... ALL OF IT HAS PAGAN ROOTS... so tell me, what makes those pagan things OK, and other pagan things NOT OK?); Funeral customs - the Watchtower plainly states that local custom can certainly dictate what is done at JW funerals... so, therefore, if "local custom" is to decorate one's home with lights and put up a tree with ornaments on it in December, and one does not attach religious significance to it... who the hell are YOU to say otherwise?

    The MAIN question I have for you regarding this Watchtower article is this: The Question From Readers article specifically refers to JW females married to non-JW males. How is it that it's OK for these women to do all these things and not be referred to, as you so eloquently described, as "returning to vomit"?? Don't you think that's a tad hypocritical that a certain group of people within your ranks are allowed to do something while the rest of you are not?? What makes them SO special?? Does not Jehovah treat everyone equally?? If he doesn't, why doesn't he??

    Oh, and speaking of "personal Santa Claus", tell us when it is again that Jehovah (your "personal Santa Claus") is going to bring to an end this system of things and plop you into your Paradise on Earth?? 1874?? 1914?? 1918?? 1925?? 1975?? 2000?? Can he not make up "His" mind??

    Think about it. Go ask your elders about it. Come back and tell us what they said, will you? We could use a good laugh.

    Love, Scully

    It is not persecution for an informed person to expose a certain religion as being false. - WT 11/15/63

  • LB

    Nicely done Scully.

    proplog2 what is a sign of freedom isn't so much the celebration of Christmas but the idea that we don't care about the vomit from people like you.

    We had a wonderful day, enjoyed this day with family for the first time in a very long time. We didn't discuss religion, say any prayers or worship a darn thing. We laughed and had a blast. Some more friends are coming over this evening and we're going to prepare them a meal. What pagans we are.

    Why aren't you out in service?

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Trotafox

    Scully: Interesting. I just read the 12/15/01 WT article you mentioned.

    The MAIN question I have for you regarding this Watchtower article is this: The Question From Readers article specifically refers to JW females married to non-JW males. How is it that it's OK for these women to do all these things and not be referred to, as you so eloquently described, as "returning to vomit"?? Don't you think that's a tad hypocritical that a certain group of people within your ranks are allowed to do something while the rest of you are not?? What makes them SO special??

    I just saw my pioneer JW neighbor, who was wearing, eeeek...do I dare say it....RED!, come out of her house and accept a gift wrapped in gold paper from a friend in a car that was out in front of her house. The red outfit and the gift would be a definite No-No in the congregation from whence I came. Could it be that some JW's are reading into the article exactly what you just mentioned about why it could be okay for JW sisters married to unbelieving mates to celebrate holidays (depending on their conscience) but not all JW's?
    Do ya think some JW's are finally getting the message of the hypocrisy of the WTS?
    I think there are many JW's who really WANT to celebrate the holidays but their programming chip won't allow it.

    P.S. Can't spell worth a spit today...Too much Xmas wine

    "Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love".... Aristotle. You can love and obey Christ without intervention from an organization.

  • Scully

    Trotfox writes:

    I just saw my pioneer JW neighbor, who was wearing, eeeek...do I dare say it....RED!, come out of her house and accept a gift wrapped in gold paper from a friend in a car that was out in front of her house. The red outfit and the gift would be a definite No-No in the congregation from whence I came. Could it be that some JW's are reading into the article exactly what you just mentioned about why it could be okay for JW sisters married to unbelieving mates to celebrate holidays (depending on their conscience) but not all JW's?
    Do ya think some JW's are finally getting the message of the hypocrisy of the WTS?
    I think there are many JW's who really WANT to celebrate the holidays but their programming chip won't allow it.

    It's going to be like every other loophole that the WTS has ever opened. Some people are going to shrug their shoulders and say "so what? that doesn't mean we have to do it" while others are going to drive through it with a Mack truck so they can jump on the bandwagon.

    Love, Scully

    PS: It's my professional opinion that the ones who squawk the loudest and protest the most vehemently are the ones who ache the most to do the very things they claim to despise. Food for thought.

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