As far as i can remember I have never seen any counter argument from the WTS in refuting this scripture in any of it's publications. They call themselves The Elijah Class, The Jonnadab Class, The Greater David, The Faithful &Wise Servant, The Governing Body, The Faithful and Discreet Slave(LOL) etc, and even by their own admission's they have been wrong when their light got brighter in making Bible prophesies, the failed prophesies of 1874,1914,1919,1935,1975 and the recent lies and failed prophesies concerning the generation and the cut off date for anointed Christians of 1935, show this. So the passage from Deut is clearly very serious if those who have spoken in Gods name things that have failed to come true, the bottom line is death to that prophet , pure and simple. How does the WTS deal with this?
Does the WTS think they have immunity from Duet 18;20-22?
by jookbeard 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes, that goes hand in hand with their arrogance.
You must not have been paying attention at this year's district convention!
Those dates aren't "false prophecy" - they are instead "evidence that the organization has been watchful"!
You can't make this stuff up!
Big Tex
How does the WTS deal with this?
Simple. They say they never made any of those predictions. Anyone who heard that misunderstood and it's their fault not the Society.
Big Tex Nailed it!!..
It never happened..
They try getting around it by claiming that they are "sincere in their beliefs", as if royally screwing up time and again somehow excuses them from being false profits---I mean, prophets.
They didn't say for sure those things would happen. They were just overexcited like a little puppy who wizzes all over your shoe.
They refer to the false prophecies and unscriptural teachings as "old light", "previously cherished views", "expectations requiring adjustment", &c. They are never called what they were/are. Perhaps the term "old darkness" needs to be introduced...
They deal with it by banning the Internet, possession of original material they themselves wrote that actually predict these events, and independent thinking. Anyone that has been through it is to shut up about it and continue serving Jehovah as if such date never was predicted. And, of course anyone that hedges against a date will not be trusting the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger enough.
Isn't the claim that they don't prophesy, but rather, glean from what the scriptures already tell us? Right....