God confused peoples language so they couldn't build Babel....a load of crap!

by Witness 007 49 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yeah well, back in the day a group of people built a tower to heaven, so God confused their languages so they would not build a "mega City" and become powerful.

    Or if you want to used half a brain....languages evolved over time as a form of comunication between different tribes. Many languages are related, Slavic or Asian languages share the same or simular words.

    Oh and the cherry on top is Adam and Eve spoke Yiddish.....Ooie Mashugana! This idea is beyond dumbass! Sorry.

  • elder-schmelder

    I agree 100% this is the kind of thing that proves to me that the bible is not gods word.


  • undercover
  • undercover

    Hmmm...my post disappeared. what the hell...

    Yeah well, back in the day a group of people built a tower to heaven, so God confused their languages so they would not build a "mega City" and become powerful.

    I wonder why Joe Hober wouldn't allow the ancients to build a tower to the heavens but the Eiffel Tower, the Empire State Building, the Sears Tower, The CN tower and Burj Dubai are all okay?

    Oh and the cherry on top is Adam and Eve spoke Yiddish.....

    I remember being told as a kid that we'd all have to learn to speak Hebrew in the New System.

  • rebel8

    undercover, what's that? You need to speak English.

    I was wondering the other day, if god thinks languages confuse people, why'd he have the bible written in different languages? why not have it written in all languages so everyone could understand? and on tape, for illiterate people?

    PS w007, lovin your titles. They all end in "....a load of crap!" LOL


    The story is true!..

    No one can build a structure over 3 storys tall,or everyones language changes..

    It happens all the time in Canada..


  • PSacramento


    Too true to be funny !

    LOL !!

  • Farkel

    Like in all other wonderful Bible stories, there is a lesson to be learned in this story.

    In the case of Babel, the lesson is clear: God hates high-rise office buildings that are not multi-lingual.



    The WBT$ owns buildings more than three storys..

    Thats why no one can understand a frigg`in thing that comes out of Bethel..

    Without WBT$ Literature..

    .................................... ...OUTLAW

  • PSacramento

    Ona side note, IF we all came from a common ancestor in a common area, where did all these very different languages come from?

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