And where is the proof that they are actually God's spokesmen and not impostors that are merely posing as such to usurp things from people? Besides, where is the proof that the Bible was actually telling the truth about these matters?
On top of that, it is totally possible for God to have been totally truthful with a handful of people in a handful of incidents solely to write them up and then use them for reference in lieu of doing anything for us. For every one time God provided, there could be tens of millions of instances where that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag left people to suffer for no reason. Of course, those incidents are not going to get written up--the whole purpose for writing up these incidents is to coerce people into believing something is going to happen, without actually letting it.
I would say that Jehovah feels there are enough stock examples of His providence for all times. He does not ever need provide again--just point to the Bible and then demand that people react to these stock examples instead of reality. And, if God doesn't provide, He can always say that you didn't have enough faith or that there is no guarantee, but non-providence is because He didn't feel you needed it (another stock excuse).
As for me, I will not put my faith in that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag to ever provide me anything except what will benefit Him alone without providing me any benefit whatsoever. On top of that, He has sabotaged my happiness solely so He can get more out of me, despite I haven't been to a boasting session or in field circus in 4 years. For that reason alone, these stock examples (which could well be fake or embellished, like the Grand Boasting Session "experiences" today are) will not move me to give up anything and follow the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, even if they can prove that they actually are from God. What God did for them, He will not do for us today--there is no way my experiences are ever going in that f***ing Bible unembellished--that would make it blatant how wicked and sinister God really is, and no one would ever be able to fall for these "I am God's spokesman" scams again.