Here we have Paul in the illustration in My Book of Bible Stories, skulking in the background.
The artist also depicts an older Paul, and models him on Ben Gazarra. Perhaps he was a fan of Run for Your Life.
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Here we have Paul in the illustration in My Book of Bible Stories, skulking in the background.
The artist also depicts an older Paul, and models him on Ben Gazarra. Perhaps he was a fan of Run for Your Life.
If we're going to speculate then, another possibility I read about was Paul being a kin of Herod. The Herodians and their children were given Roman citizen. Its stretching it, but in a Pauline epistle or two, there are greetings to people who could have been in the Roman and Herodian circles. Couple that with Paul's trying to maintain the status quo regarding slavery and the superior authorities, and you can see why some people fancy the idea.