Are others having trouble with Kutano?
Huge development concerning and "apostate" comments.
by DT 48 Replies latest jw friends
"Not to know is bad. Not to want to know is worse. Not to hope is unthinkable. Not to care is unforgivable." - Nigerian saying.
Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell
the difference.Theologically, Jehovah’s Witnesses are a family hurtful cult of Christianity. The oppressive organization does not represent logical historical facts, sociologically; it is a destructive cult whose false teachings frequently result in spiritual and psychological abuse, as well as needless deaths.
I understand the dictionary definition of an "apostate" and I suppose that definition fits me. However, I have my own definition, which makes me more comfortable as it does not fit me. I (and it is my opinion that is important to me) apply the term apostate to those that have knowingly bent and twisted the word of the God in the Bible to their own advantage. Using my definition makes the WTS an apostate organization (one of many). I don't like apostates and this means that I don't like the WTS.
I never did enjoy being judgmental that rules their rules are supreme - elder, pioneer, ms, co, do, governing body, weak, strong, active, inactive, in the truth, worldly, pagan, on and on. Every label gave you a mental picture of how to treat, love, hate, ignore or otherwise judge the person on the receiving end of that label. Apostate is a simple term - it means to leave basically - but they have made us a mental image of 'evil slave' - having God and his people excreta.
Hard to get over those mental pictures for most I think -
By the way I am a real 'apostate' - a good one - most witnesses would like to be as good as a lot of these 'apostates' are on this site.- but if u think about it didn't the WTS 'label' everything? It was really part of the “New Light,” if it were from Jehovah, it would have been right in the first place, and would not need updating. So what is current light now may very well be old light next year, and at times it has. Why would Jehovah give them the wrong understanding to start with?
That is the stuff that always bothered me so that is what I bring up. Of course now I know it was all a fairly tale anyhow.
"I think a full, free talk is frequently of great use; we want nothing secret nor
underhanded, and I for one want no association with things that cannot
be talked about and will not bear investigation."
---Mormon President John Taylor, Journal of Discourses, vol. 20, p. 264. -
"Are others having trouble with Kutano?"
I had some trouble logging on to the Twitter account that I wanted to use for commenting on the Watchtower sites. It turns out that I had to start a whole new Kutano account, separate from my personal account. I also didn't like the way that little sidebar made me scroll from side to side on certain pages. I found out I could hide it completely, not just minimize it. The instructions are on the FAQ page
There's already a discussion going on the main page of It's beautiful to see. I'm sure that this will draw out a lot of pro-witness commenters who would normally remain silent. After all, it's their site.
"There's already a discussion going on the main page of It's beautiful to see. I'm sure that this will draw out a lot of pro-witness commenters who would normally remain silent. After all, it's their site."
agreed but presumes the readership of are using Kutano/Twitter etc - take a look round your average KH and spot the Twitterers :-)))
time will tell and I sincerely hope I'm wrong....
Yes, I don't think witnesses will adopt kutano as quickly as the rest of the population, but there's great potential for warning nonmembers about the dangers of the Watchtower organization before they're trapped. I also started a discussion on their media site
This sort of thing could have a huge influence on the media when they are doing research about Jehovah's Witnesses.
I do believe one has to HAVE Kutano to SEE Kutano on a webpage..... In other words, WTS website viewers will not seee the comments unless those viewers also have downloaded Kutano. If I am wrong, please correct me.
Here is the Offical Release of Kutano:
Free Browser Add-on Creates Community by Interest, Letting Users Exchange
Unrestricted Comments on Any Subject, Anywhere on the Web
PALM DESERT, Calif., March 2 /PRNewswire/ -- DEMO 09 Conference -- Kutano, a
new browser add-on that democratizes discussion on the web, was officially
launched today at IDG's DEMO 09 conference [See Kutano at station #18 in the
DEMO pavilion]. Kutano facilitates user comments side-by-side with any web
page, without permission or modification by the website. Connecting comments
by subject, the free tool lets users easily create, se arch and exchange
information on any topic, anywhere on the web.
According to Internet World Stats, as of December 31, 2008, there were 1.574
billion Internet users worldwide, with more than a third active in forum
discussions. As the popularity of social forums continues to grow
exponentially, Kutano (from a Swahili word meaning "crowd" or "gathering")
sets the stage for open discussion and a richer, more interactive social
Unlike online forums and traditional browser-based tools, Kutano is not
limited to a specific URL. Instead, Kutano's patent-pending Page Subject
Recognition Technology avoids "orphaned" or deleted comments, and creates a
unique community experience for engaging in conversation based on the context
of any web page. And because Kutano integrates with popular social networks
such as Facebook and Twitter, users can also choose to broadcast Kutano
activity to their preferred social networks.
"We're doing nothing short of democratizing the web," explained Kevin
Ishiguro, Kutano CEO. "Online forums, communities and blogs are still
controlled by the website or other corporate interests, therefore the
discussion is not truly open. Only Kutano lets users post what they want,
where they want, and ensure that the conversation goes on even if a website or
URL changes over time. Kutano has the power to make the web a better place, by
creating candid, context-driven discussions for all."
"Kutano takes social discussion to a new level," commented Chris Shipley,
DEMO's executive producer. "It goes beyond seeking advice from a friend, to
give you access to an entire community of opinions and advice, when and where
you want it. They've taken an existing concept and added innovative technology
to make Kutano's context-sensitive public forum a reality."
How it Works
Kutano is available immediately as a free download from Kutano
users can use the tool to read/write comments side-by-side with any web page,
or search by subject. The main browser window remains untouched for standard
browsing activities, while the Kutano "window" displays the discussions and
information related to the specific subject of the web page. Kutano currently
supports Internet Explorer and Firefox, with Mac and Linux versions scheduled
for deployment in Q2 2009.
About Kutano
Kutano ( is the industry's first browser add-on tied to the web
page subject, not URL, creating an open, context-sensitive discussion forum.
Providing a gateway to unbiased information, Kutano uses patent-pending Page
Subject Recognition Technology to let users contribute, extract and exchange
information by interest area, anywhere on the web. Kutano is a privately held
company headquartered in British Columbia.
About DEMO
Produced by Network World Events and Executive Forums, the semi-annual DEMO
conferences focus on emerging technologies and new products, which are
hand-selected from across the spectrum of the technology marketplace. The DEMO
conferences have earned their reputation for consistently identifying
tomorrow's cutting-edge technologies, and have served as launch pad events for
companies such as Palm, E*Trade, Handspring, and U.S. Robotics, helping them
to secure venture funding, establish critical business relationships, and
influence early adopters. Each DEMO conference features approximately 70 new
companies, products and technologies. For more information, visit
All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered
SOURCE Kutano the Masters of the House of Hate download the program themselves, then they can see, vut cannot TOUCH the comments being made, the truth being said and the lies being unveled on their website, but in order for that to happen, people need to get the downoad and use it. With the program, all comments are but ghosts.
I Have s slight reservation about all this: Somehow I feel it is tracking the ers activity as well. I know that sort of thing is common, but it just makes me feel weird.
Bookmarking for future reference...
Judas had charge of the money, some thought Jesus was telling him to buy what was needed for the Feast
If you examine the verse carefully, you will see that Jesus was just politely asking Judas to pick up the check for the meal.
Rub a Dub