When one says I am worshiping Jehovah and respecting the organization it is one in the same, and it has always made me sick to see the God of the holy bible dragged to a debased human level, way too much honor is readily given to the quote “Organization” instead of to the great and wondrous god Jehovah and his son. I would not want to be in the shoes of the Governing Body of the Jehovah’s Witnesses when that time of trouble comes upon this earth in the form of the great tribulation, for they have misguided many sheep like people to worship an institution a publishing company a cult of personality’s rather than our maker.
The Organization is paramount to worshiping Jehovah himself
by Leprechaun 12 Replies latest jw friends
Tired of the Hypocrisy
I would not want to be in their shoes either.
The shoes stink, that's for sure!
The Almighty Homer
Well said Leprechaun, The Watchtower Corporation is and always will be a corrupt Publishing House and a false proclaiming organization of
exploitation and manipulation., probably right to its very end.
Without the wt org, what have you got to keep you going in worshipping jehovah? A church, the bible? Also, HOW do you worship jehovah?
Without the wt org, what have you got to keep you going in worshipping jehovah? A church, the bible? Also, HOW do you worship jehovah?
In answer to your question: I can only say what has kept me going. I persevere in seeking out Jehovah because I personally feel that he does exist, and like the bible writer says I truly feel that Jehovah does become a rewarder of anyone seeking him in sincerity.” Again I can only speak for myself, I have not needed no “Organization” with all their man made rules in order to pray, to read and study his written word, to meditate on all written wisdom no matter from what source that pertains to his holy writings, and his creation, just to mention a few things. The goal of the Governing Body of the Witnesses is cause you to think that only they have enough common sense to accept the writing of god’s word. Too bad because they don’t accept god’s word with out their babblings, they have polluted it so much with their apostate teachings that it is nothing like it was in the time of Russell. Russell at least did not try to enslave you to the thinking of a group of men somewhere across the country; we all know the story of Joseph Rutherford and his desire to become a demigod.
If jehovah is really there, would a seeker not need to eventually put aside the bible, once he found jehovah? Would not the humanly written bible muddy the view of jehovah, once a person found him? If the wt corp brings jehovah down, does not a book written by humans do the same? The buddhists have a story like this: the seeker of enlightenment has piles of books, reads, reads, reads. Then, one day, he gets his wish and bcomes enlightened. Then, he throws away ALL of his books. Conversely, if jehovah worshppers always need their books, what does that say about jehovah?
Curlie sideburned hassids walk around w a book in front of their faces, bobbing their heads like chickens as they read. Sometimes, they swing chickens around, in the air, still holding their magic book in front of their faces w the other hand.
Good point, it's nothing short of idolatry in the relentless worship of that evil god Yahweh in which they continue this blind worship
No matter what it is that I would want to delve into as far as worship is concerning or enlightenment, I would first have to read something about it even if it was about the Greek god Cronos and all his sons and daughters who were gods like him. Unless I just wanted to dream dreams on my own and call them visions from some higher source.
Its fun talking about all this weird crap, and thinking that someone care at all, huh.