House where Joel started his time every morn.

by joelbear 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    This house was about 1/2 mile from the Kingdom Hall. No one ever answered the door. It was a favorite place for us to start our time.

    You know all of yall had one.



  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I used to specialize in picking houses that were NAH.(not at home).
    If it seemed someone MIGHT be at home and it was my turn to knock I would tap REAL quiet on the door frame...hopin and prayin...dont answer.Oh! how shallow my understanding of the Bible in those days.
    How minimal my memory for scripture. How slim my ability to defend my faith in public.I was one of the milk suckin babe like ones.Not eating the meat of truth.
    Oh Happy days.

  • Francois

    I know that house, Joel. Where is it? I just know I know this house.


  • david_10

    Hi,Joel. When I was pioneering,I had several houses just like that. Back in the early 70's,pioneers had to get in 100 hours a month and you learned ALL the tricks. Many times,I would get so desperate for time that I would go back and forth among these houses knowing that I would never have to talk to anybody. I know all the neighbors probably saw me and it's a wonder nobody ever called the police. I remember the struggle for time would get so fierce that toward the end of the month I would go to the train station and bus station around midnight to pass out magazines,usually by leaving them on a bench. You got to where you would do anything to get that time in. It was the only thing that mattered. Visit someone in the hospital or nursing home? Only if I counted my time. Love had nothing to do with it. And it never dawned on me how fanatical and pointless it was. And all my pioneer partners,(with one exception,but that's another story),were the same way. We all thought it was a privelege to put ourselves through that torture. After all,1975 was bearing down on us and we were going to die if we didn't. I think back on those times and I just can't believe I did it. Oh well,live and learn.


  • r51785

    I pioneered from 1971 to 1976. Back then 100 hours a month was hard. Nowadays it must be easy. All you have to do is post a topic on this board and count time until the last response is logged. You don't have to leave the comfort of home and burn up your gas driving from one not at home return visit (formerly known as back call) to another. I bet that yoyomama guy is a special pioneer!

  • david_10

    r51785 You brought up something that I hadn't thought of: I'll bet anything that yoyo and a few others are counting their time. Well,I don't blame them. There's so much pressure to make that time report look good that you'll do anything. I think I've heard that the Society doesn't emphasize hours like they used to,but I don't believe it. They have their ways,subtle as they may be. Wouldn't it be funny if their statistics started going up because of this board?


  • joelbear


    Its on hwy 41 just south of Valdosta. Its a pretty common style of house in South Georgia.

    take care


  • TR


    while you were a 'hovah, did you ever desire that house after 'geddon when the owners would be birdfood? Looks like a very desirable house.


    I'm gonna make mince meat outta that Osama!

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    When I was younger and really beleived the JW was the only true religion, I used to knock and knock louder to make sure no one was home, I felt guilty if I didn't give it my best shot.

    As the years rolled on and 1975 came and went I slowly started to feel no need to be so direct and annoying at the doors.

    As my faith in the WT began to shrink the less I went out, and when I did I would try not to witness very much just have friendly conversations and I offered very little literature.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • joelbear


    No, I never coveted anyone's house. I never thought of people getting destroyed.

    My new world dream house was on the beach with an underwater observation window to watch dolphins and sea turtles and other creatures from my living room.


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