Tightening of the Cult Handcuffs.

by passwordprotected 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • isaacaustin

    Wuld they trust the teaching to be done by the families as opposed to a rigid arrangement as they have?

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    hey PP, thanks for acknowledging my post - feels like I'm invisible on here most of the time!!

    just the public talk would be the way to go, albeit with 99% of the people not being public, they could spin it by saying even more time for FS afterwards. But then if they shunt the WT to mid week then the study book would have to go... which makes sense, they must be out of books to write and the ones which deal with Daniel, Isaiah and Revelation are probably the cause of many people's exit so would be good for them to drop them.

  • passwordprotected

    @ zombie dub;

    just the public talk would be the way to go, albeit with 99% of the people not being public, they could spin it by saying even more time for FS afterwards. But then if they shunt the WT to mid week then the study book would have to go... which makes sense, they must be out of books to write and the ones which deal with Daniel, Isaiah and Revelation are probably the cause of many people's exit so would be good for them to drop them.

    I think we're on the same page.

  • WTWizard

    Possibly, when they realize that Family Waste the Evening Night is a bust, they will simply put the Kool-Aid washtowel study and the book study on that night, at the Kingdumb Hell to prevent people from returning to Goodie Night and other nice things about private homes. Or, they will simply add an extra day (so that Kingdumb Hells in use by several congregations can all have their boasting sessions). Either way, they will need to prevent going back to private homes where comments would not result in a trip to the back room so easily.

    As for having a new class of disfellowshipped people to encompass faders, I would rather that than getting recaptured, being hosted and dragged to each and every boasting session, wasting 20 hours a day 7 days a week on theocraptic activities, get forced into the Value Destroyer Training School, having 80 men supervising me so I cannot dog an assignment without severe and immediate consequences, and ultimately plunge the whole world into the Second Dark Ages. But, as long as I am without prospect from the opposite sex (and Jehovah, that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag, has done a thorough job at keeping it that way), I am afraid that for me, as with writing a disassociation letter, they would rather take the above course. Because of the high perceived value in doing so--that's what would make it worth the very high cost.

  • donuthole

    The churches in my area that I'm familiar with typically have an extended "worship" session of performing about 30 - 45 minutes of songs, followed by annoucements, followed by a 30-45 minute "teaching", followed by a song or or two to end it out.

    Well if you drop the WT study and only have the public talk how will you round out the hour of the Sunday meeting? 30-45 minutes of additional Kingdom Melody's would be sure the way to scare the public away, or bore them out of their minds!!

  • donuthole

    Here is some speculation --

    The "Family Worship Night" TM is proving to be a bust as witnessed by the emphasis on it during this Summer's convention program. The Governing Body will see fit to further regulate in the guise of helping. I can see that they would provide a set program for families to follow, citing the difficulties some parents are having preparing a weekly program of "worship". So the GB will perhaps move the Book Study, Bible reading, and maybe elements of the Service meeting, such as rehearsing field service presentations, to "Family Worship Night" TM This would make room during the weekly meeting to consider the Private Watchtower.

  • passwordprotected

    The "Family Worship Night" TM is proving to be a bust as witnessed by the emphasis on it during this Summer's convention program. The Governing Body will see fit to further regulate in the guise of helping. I can see that they would provide a set program for families to follow, citing the difficulties some parents are having preparing a weekly program of "worship". So the GB will perhaps move the Book Study, Bible reading, and maybe elements of the Service meeting, such as rehearsing field service presentations, to "Family Worship Night" TM This would make room during the weekly meeting to consider the Private Watchtower.

    Yep, I'd say that was an absolute given. Note a recent WT article entitled "Family Worship - Vital for Survival" where the GB outlines various ways of filling the evening...expect, as you say, a formal outline of 'study' and 'worship'*.

    *this always makes me laugh. They're actually worshipping bits of paper with stuff printed on them.

  • Cadellin

    I agree--watch for a set (read: mandatory) program for FWN, presented of course, as a Loving Spiritual Provisions Just When We Need It!

  • tresdecu

    passprotec said:

    ""If the recent rumours seen here (and one of them was actually banded about last year) are going to pan out, then the WTS is well on it's way to become more cult-ish.""

    sorry I'm just tuning in, but what were the rumors exactly ? I seemed to have missed them. Where did they come from? any links?

    Thanks, just curious (and excited for crazy WT changes)


  • JimmyPage

    Yeah they could easily say the Family Worship Night is proving difficult for many to do regularly and bring back another meeting during the week... just to study the WT!

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