Greetings all. I have been following a number of threads here periodically and have decided to join so as to contribute. I was wondering if any of you would have any idea as to the value of the book mentioned in the title of this thread "Pay Attention to Yourselves and to all the Flock," the elusive elders manual. You see, my grandfather died recently and, unbeknownst to "the others" I managed to obtain said book before anyone else could. It made for some rather interesting/enlightening reading. Do any of you know what it might be worth? I would greatly appreciate any help you may give me.
"Pay Attention to Yourselves and to all the Flock"
by Cthulhu 20 Replies latest jw friends
I still have mine as a former elder. I think in 50 years, it might be worth something to the Smithsonian in their updated "Cults" gallery....
I would hang on to it though. You have the ability to quote from it in context, which is very helpful to those with questions on this board, and others you know....
How up-to-date are his 'notes' within the book?
I think our last online copy was 2005.
As far as valuable...... well if it has notes newer then 05' many of us would find it desirable. However if it is older then I would suggest a starting price between $20-$50 dollars on Ebay for those who might not be as download savvy as JWN posters.
BTW a 'clean' copy is available for PDF download at
As jamiebowers said it is available on line, so the demand is low. AllTimeJeff is correct, it may have some value in 50 years. Comparatively, the very first printing of the Finished Mystery book contaiing the language that offended the US Government, is worth a few hundred dollars ... but it is a rare book used in a historic setting almost 100 years ago. I too had a hard copy of the Pay Attention book, however it is in the hands of attorneys who used it as an exhibit in the child abuse cases. But, as Jeff stated, hang on to your copy, as it will become rare over time as copies are tossed out by ex-JW Elders, and also when the Society collects the copies turned in, and destroys them.
Cantleave...... would you consider updating us (JWN) on the notes before you return it (or making a fresh PDF)?
You can download the one uploaded by one of the posters here for comparison ....
Thank you for your consideration in the matter!