What advice would you give your 16 yr oil dself.

by scotsman 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • saywhat29

    Kid, stop dancing around to Janet jackson so much and go play football or somethin' productive that involves lots of man on man contact... ignore what they say at the hall and stop trying to live to their expectations...

    Besides, you can listen to Janet and Madonna... yes you will eventually like her too... when you go to sleep.

    And work out some more and put the damn Hot Pockets and Oreos down! You won't be skinny forever!!!

  • cameo-d

    Jaguar bass:

    Be a rebel, reject authority.

    Don't listen to or obey my parents.

    Smoke dope and have sex.

    Then go to college.


    Go hang out with Jaguarbass.

  • freedomisntfree

    dont be such a brat apprecaite what you have....and dont cook the pizza still in the packaging your parents will know your high you ideot!

  • GentlyFeral

    • Believe it or not, you are more likely to have a thriving theatrical career than to see Armageddon come and Paradise follow. Don't join the JW's; go to theatre school like you know you want to. It's better to be the first-rate actress you could become than a third-rate evangelist with a fifth-rate message.
    • "The meek shall inherit the earth" is a beautiful idea, but you don't have to join this bunch of legalists to live by it.
    • The Bible is a book of power, but you don't have to be a Bible literalist or even a Christian to benefit from it. Read all the liberal theology you can get your hands on.
    • Remember that Tarot reading that predicted a "great change" in your life? Learn to do that yourself. Now, not thirty years later.
    • Ask Dad for your old job back. Do it right. Keep an eye out for an odd lady a little older than you are, who loves old blues and plays guitar. She knows Tarot, too.
    • Every six months, go out and apply for another job, just for practice.
    • You don't have to have sex just because someone asks you.
    • You don't have to be a virgin when you marry, either.
    • If the hot young man who's trying to convert you doesn't dump you when you reject his religion, marry him! But keep your job.
    • Yes, the world is a scary place, but go ahead and have kids. They'll do great things.

    g ently f eral

  • lisavegas420

    Write it all down, at least one page a day in your journal.

    Read everything you can get your hands on, but read it objectively and with an open mind.



    1. Your parents really are smart. Listen to them more.

    2. Take the PSAT.

    Really I need to speak to my 20 year old self.

  • NeonMadman

    "Joe's a really nice guy and you should keep playing basketball with him if he'll still come over after you discontinue the study. But under NO circumstances should you join that cult! Oh, and that girl you're going to date next year when you're a senior? MARRY HER!"

  • jeanniebeanz

    1. Go to college.

    2. Armageddon is not coming to fix your problems, solve them yourself.

    3. Don't get baptised... oops, wouldn't help since I was baptized closer to 12.

    4. Maintain a group of real friends so that when you leave home, you won't be all alone when you begin your fade

    5. DON'T get married, especially to a JW, abuser, alcaholic, emotionally unavailable witless "man".

    6. YOU matter, your dreams matter, and you deserve to be happy doing what you love and loving the people you choose...

    ********** If your crazy witness family don't like that, the hell with them. Go live your life in happiness, it's all you've got.************

  • flipper

    If I had it to do over again I would have encouraged my teenage daughters to get a college education, but unfortunately I was borg controlled at the time. Glad my older son did anyway - and I did encourage it. I did tell my daughters to consider the option- but their JW mother pushed pioneering. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • villabolo

    Get a job bagging groceries and use the money to buy old Watchtower literature. Then investigate, INVESTIGATE, INVESTIGATE your religion. And getting out of it shall be the beginning of your life.


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