Obviously Ray Franz must take top prize. But who do you think the Society takes notice of---either here or elsewhere???
Over The Years Who Have Been The Society's Biggest Thorns In Their Sides?
by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends
I'll name a few- Love and Norris, the guy at Silent Lambs (I forget the name), Randy Watters, Rick Fearon, Barbara Anderson.
Big Tex
I think it would be seriously funny if there was a file in Brooklyn and instead of a name on the folder it just had an animated dancing red M&M
Min is not a dancing M&M. He's the 7UP Spot
Bill Bowen, Barbara Anderson,Greg Stafford,Paul Blizzard etc. Perhaps even E-Watchman.
I would say it is not an individual, but the whole lot of incompetent elders.
Jehovah and Jesus.
The Almighty Homer
Al Gore the guy who created and promoted the inter-net !
Way to go Al
Jehovah and Jesus.
Yeah, that Jesus wasn't at all like the Jehovah they love to trot out there. Too many examples of being nice and kind and trusting.
As one poster stated, the founders of the Botchtower Corporation had so many false prophecies it boggles the mind.
They don't believe in one of his teachings now. Go figure. (Jesus, that light sure got a hell of a lot brighter eh!)