For those of you who either didn't have time to read Amazing's amazing threads on the child abuse issue:
He was in court and interrogated by the Witchtower attorneys, even asked for his social security number, and quizzed on lying testimony they claimmed to have about "sins" which he had never committed.
Here it is:
The Watchtower attorney grilled me about my Internet activity: They asked for my screen name on JWD (now JWN) ... yep ... they are watching ... and they watch other ex-JW sites ... I have more to say on this another time. The Watchtower attorneys wanted some of your real life names (not those of you in 2009, but those back in 2004) ... they wanted to know all they could about ex-JW activities, which was asked of me ... and I was asked point blank if I was an "Apostate" ... yes, they even used this opportunity, while dealing with molestation issues, to take a side trip into ex-JW activities ... that is where their concerns seem to really rest ... they wanted to know about BRCI, about posting forums, and even my visits with Ray Franz, former member of their Governing Body
Hiyah Beth-hell spies! How does it feel to muckrake for your corrupt self-seeking Organisation??