by pmgirl 31 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome pmgirl
Glad to hear it pmgirl would love to hear your story if you care to share.
Nice to see you woke up and smelt the coffee....
Speaking of smells, remember, when it comes to the Governing Body, whoever smelt it, really did deal it...
Welcome pmgirl
Welcome pmgirl! Pleasure to meet you.
well done, pmgirl
glad to welcome you to the boards!
Welcome! Hopefully I will do the same in the future!
Welcome pmgirl to the forum, it seems you know what your doing regarding your fade out of the JWS.
A positive attitude is the best policy to take when leaving this organization.
If I can offer some advise the next time someone calls like an elder on what your up to, I would make it
empathetically clear that you hold no grudge or dislike of anyone at your congregation but its the organization itself
that your leaving and don't see it viably truthful as it has been presenting itself. ( and it certainly is not )
They will of course ask you why and you could briefly tell them you've done some research on the organization
particular on their past published litature.....that usually cuts the conversation down to a quick halt.
All the best HTA