What the New Testament was Really Saying

by forgetmenot 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • forgetmenot

    I have heard many people say how confused the bible (specifically the New Testament) makes them. It seems as if the writers jump to different subject that make no sense. For me it has been very helpful to read the scriptures with love being the purpose of everything they say.

    It's an a lot like saying "Do you remember that toy you LOVED when you were little? Or how much you LOVE your children or wife?" Thinking about these thinks envokes a lot of love in a person. Maybe this is all Jesus really wanted, because love makes more than the earth go 'round it makes everything go 'round (after all God is love). The more love we show, the more power God has, and the more he can accomplish.

    Just an idea. This is my first time post a NEW topic! So I'm a little nervous about feed back! But don't get me wrong...I want to know what everyone thinks, just be nice! :)

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well I for one certainly will not slur, mock or castigate your first thread post...I mean...after my own last post?..you gotta be kidding.
    Pretty good post yours is too, make us bastards think.
    Re the two testaments, Im inclined to think that the New is a superior expression of God than the first is. I dont believe either testament is the final expression of God to humanity, rather, that his love is revealed increasingly, as we see in the world today, with the unifying of all humanity into oneness, the condemnation of racist views, the world condemnation of terrorism.
    We are getting closer to Him day by day, as a species, a collective consciousness.

  • Frenchy

    ::: it has been very helpful to read the scriptures with love being the purpose of everything they say. :::

    One of the problems people have with the Bible is approaching it with their own, preconceived ideas and trying to validate those beliefs with what they find there. Another is starting off looking for the negative in everything they read as fuel for their criticism of it.

  • ISP

    I think you can get where you want without the Bible as such. The idea of 'love' is by no means a unique thing for Christians. The 'Golden Rule' was made 100's of years before Christ so it was clearly important to non-christians.

    Best wishes


  • Thomas Poole
    Thomas Poole
    What the New Testament was Really Saying Dec 25, 2001 20:16

    Well the Greeks scritures do say a whole much. It helps to start with the four starters: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John because they parallel each other with a lot of the same events. The more you read and recollect about what you read, the more fun it gets and the more happy your disposition should be.

    Pray also for God to open up your mind and heart to understand things.

    For me it has been very helpful to read the scriptures with love being the purpose of everything they say.
    Yes, knowledge is certainly needed but without connecting this knowledge with love as the greatest gift, we are not doing much.
    Thinking about these things [toys, children; including now Biblical scriptures]envokes a lot of love in a person. Maybe this is all Jesus really wanted, because love makes more than the earth go 'round it makes everything go 'round (after all God is love). The more love we show, the more power God has, and the more he can accomplish.
    Very beautiful thinking, forgetmenot. I find reading the scriptures help me love God and his Son, and the Holy Spirit; and by extension, I am ready to love others more.

    Knowing how to love is tricky. There's always the wrong kind of love.

    Thank you for expressing yourself to us.

  • forgetmenot

    ISP: I agree with you, about the bible not being the only place to look. The bible was written to a certian group of people, but for our benefit. So perhaps, it just serves as a reminder of how important love really is. Those of us who are very good at openly expressing our love, don't need the bible...while some of us may need a boost in the right direction.

  • Carmel


    I recently read that since the 9/11 event over 11 million Korans have been sold in the US. Seems others curious about what Islam is all about are going to the source rather than listen to talking heads and mullas of darkness.

    Of course there are other sources of His Message as well. Just thought I'd mention that diddy.

    blessings, Carmel candy

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    That's interesting too bad we don't know who bought all those Korans.
    It wouldn't be too impressive if it turn out too be manly muslims.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • gumby

    If the bible ISN'T true......then we haven't a clue about God or why we are here....only guesses
    Congradulations on you first thread FMN!

  • Perry

    FMN - very nice approach to reading the bible. I'll have to try it.

    When I was in the org. I used to read it much like the jews pray on the wailing wall in jerusalem you see in pics now days... it became a ritual. The whole time I could hear the edict that the NT wasn't really written for me, but for the Slave Class; that took alot of the meaning out of it.

    Now I just relax and try to imagine the historicl figures and get a big kick out of how nothing has really changed. I can't believe how simple the message is and yet, then as now everyone wants to complicate the heck out of it. I totally agree with you about how Jesus just wanted to show perfect love.

    I mean even the athiests have a valid point and derive solace from their view because of having come to a conclusion. It is a valid view because the existence or non existence or, rather should I say, the belief that he does exist vs. the belief that he does not exist, cannot be empiracally proven or disproven. Both beliefs are predicated on an infinity which is untestable. Either you have a "First Cause" , intelligent and Himself an infinitive or you have an infinite digression of cause and effect events, both unverifiable.... both requiring faith.

    My point is that I envy the simplicity of the athiest community though I reject it for personal reasons. Maybe we could learn a thing or two from their simplistic conclusions though.

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