Well, actually I just found it on the kitchen table so either the flat mate spoke to them or he found it in the door. Should I gate crash?
Just Received My Invitation For The Convention...
by brinjen 11 Replies latest jw friends
Maybe go goth so no one recognises you. Hee hee
Show up--invisibly. And then, if questioned, tell them that "certain faithful individuals have seen you at the event" without giving them the names.
When they invalidate that "evidence", mention that the washtowel littera-trash does that all the time.
I should mention I don't know anyone in the congregation here, and they don't know me. The closest congregation that I attended is over 3,000km (around 2,000 miles) from here... so it would be possible for me to go undercover.
Black Sheep
Go fishing
definitely gate crash...
at some posh party or event
Yeah, you should go and take pictures and share them with the rest of us.
Us, being those who ain't no way in hell going.
Can Juli and I come with you? We'll take drinks and laugh at everything they say (and prolly get escorted out by a gung ho MS)
Can Juli and I come with you? We'll take drinks and laugh at everything they say (and prolly get escorted out by a gung ho MS)
Hell yeah!
My dad just invited me to the 1 day...too bad we can't make it