Go Linux and stop paying the Micro$oft tax. I will never directly pay for one of their products for personal use. Ever. Their monopolistic anticompetitive practices make me sick.
by SixofNine 30 Replies latest jw friends
Go Linux and stop paying the Micro$oft tax. I will never directly pay for one of their products for personal use. Ever. Their monopolistic anticompetitive practices make me sick.
Go Linux and stop paying the Micro$oft tax. I will never pay for one of their products. Ever. Their monopolistic anticompetitive practices make me sick.
Ditto. That's one of the reasons I switched to Macs. Yes, I have less choice on my hardware but I'm at the stage where as long as it does what I need it too, I don't really need to customise my system down to the last detail. No activation issues with the OS (don't even need to register it or enter a product key) and much, much more stable. Over a year so far and still yet to see a system crash.
What distrubution of Linux do you use BTS? I personally liked OpenSuSe and Ubuntu.
This new laptop has Vista. My other machine has Suse SLES 9. I know it's old but I am too lazy to do a major upgrade. It runs a few exposed services (SFTP, SSH, VNC) and proxies my Internet (tunneled through SSH) from other locations so I can surf securely and anonymously on a private network.
Hey, if it ain't broken, what's the point in trying to fix it? As long as your system is working as you need it too...
Macs are great. Just expensive.
True, they are pricey. Though compared to Windows sytems, they're cheaper in the long run... don't need updating near as often. Of course, neither do Linux systems.
My machine is booted to run XP, Windows 7, Vista, Mac, Linux ... beat that bitches.
Is that a mouse from a 'bare bones' system?