I have not had a bronchoscopy but have had plenty pokes and jabs and endoscopys to last a life time. When \i was in the hospital in \june with respitory failure, I was shocked to hear from the doctor that my lungs were completely clear. So where was all the phlegm and mucus coming from and the cough was rattling that it sounded like liquid was everywhere. Yet I was quite suprised and I believed the doctor was also. It has been the second time \i have gone to the hospital in respitory failure.
So this specialist sees my in the ER and says to me that he wants to admit me and wants to see what is going on with me. \my temp. sky rocketed within a couple of hours of being in the ER as well. This specialist was not a man of many words and I was exhausted from constant coughing I just didn't bother asking any more questions. Eventually I got into a room. The cough was unbearable not only to me but to the sick ladies in the room. I felt bad, but they understood how sick I was too.
Crazy thing though that the lungs were completely clear, so where is the infection in my body if not in my lungs. within the next few days I have several other test to determine the condtion of my heart. I could have told him nothing was wrong with my heart it was a perfect ticker. Well wasn't I shocked when he told me that \i had a tear in the right ventrical of my heart up by the pulmonary artery. This is causing a fibrillation or more heart beats. If this condtion worsens over the next while then I will require a pace maker.
The specialist explained to me that infection can set in anywhere in the body and seems to attack the weaker part of the body, my respitory system. On the 4th of Sept. I have some kind of broncial test for 80 minutes and then about and hour or so later I come back and they do blood gas work up on me. \yeah, lucky me.... just so long as they can give me an answer to this persistant cough and it is at times so severe that I stop breathing.
Now I have to start therapy from the accident when \i was struck by a car while on my scooter. My back is still in spasm, tomorrow I am getting a different medication to help with the spasms and hopefully I will be able to get some relief with some injections in my spine.
May I ask you why you wanted to know all about the bronchoscopy? Perhaps you said and I have forgotten. I hope it isn't serious. Be well and let us know how you are doing.
all the best