Is this really what JWs use to "attract" people?

by losthusband 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • digderidoo

    I do have a feeling that brother dumpster is not a jw if you read the comments he has made. It is quite typical thogh.


  • steve2

    To be fair, the presentation style (softly, softly, with lots of smiling, approving faces and the emphasis on carefully scripted niceness) is VERY typical of lots of organizations who are into "Impression Management", from religious to cultural to political.

    That's why it seems anything but uniquely Watchtower. Instead, it is so very much like the kinds of productions directed at the children of Mormons and 7th-Day Adventists. I see nothing unusually cultic in it: it is a bland, dumbed down message for those raised in the religion to aspire to higher levelsof serving in the religion, pretty much in the same vein as the Mormons "sweet-talking" their youth into missionary work: Big, wide white-toothed smiles and lots of swelling music.

  • Hopscotch

    These videos were nothing but manipulative emotional blackmail designed to make young JWs feel guilty if they do anything other than pursue a career of full time service (slavery) to the WTS.


  • steve2

    These videos were nothing but manipulative emotional blackmail designed to make young JWs feel guilty if they do anything other than pursue a career of full time service (slavery) to the WTS.

    You credit the watchtower with way too much power and influence. There's no doubt t he watchtower is acutely aware that the younger ones raised in the religion exhibit a stunning level of apathy. So, in response the watchtower is intent on motivating them into acitivty by tugging at the heart strings with sickly sentiment and sweeping strings. What's wrong with that? Mormons do it, so do 7th Day Adventists. At least theWatchtwoer's giving the obey-us-or-you'll-die-at-Armageddon-crap a rest.

    Oh, and I think this is a sure sign that the Watchtower is edging slowly but surely towards a more mainstream position: Not one mention of how near we are to the end but lots of emphasis of devoting one's life to Jehovah. Talk about a recipe for death by sheer boredom.

    Yes, t he watchtower is blanding out big time and I'd question just how effective this message is going to be to the growing numbers of apathetic young people raised in the religion who have about as much get up and go as a sleep walker.

  • WTWizard

    Pio-sneering for four years? Sounds like a nice waste of time--helping others to do the exact same thing, and getting rid of everything that means anything to them. And, going to the Value Destroyer Training School? That sure sounds exciting--a nice waste of two months, and if you are successful in your mission(s), the grand prize is a one way ticket to the Ostracism Wasteland.

    Have fun there.

  • JoJoJones

    Hopscotch, I agree with you about these videos. I think they are manipulative (in a subtle kind of way) and, to me, anyway, kind of cheesy. Bleh. I have great-neices and nephews being raised in this cult. The oldest is 16 now. I hope that when he and the others graduate from high school they go to college and pursue their potentials. They are intelligent and talented young people. I hope they get out of this cult. I don't know if my 16 year old great-nephew is baptised or not. If he is and he wants to pursue higher education after completing high school, I hope elders and the congregation don't give him a hard time. He deserves to be who he is, not what the WTBTS dictates who and/or what he should be. That would be the pits! I want the best for all of them and for all of them to be happy, truly happy outside the cult!


    I could only get through 30-45 sec..It`s just so predictable and lame..


  • moomanchu

    If only he wouldn't have missed that one meeting......... he could still be on the track and field team.

    Reminded me of Yoda imparting wisdom to young Luke Skywalker.

    The video brought back some extremely irritating feelings.

  • SirNose586

    What was even more depressing for me was the interviews added as a bonus to the DVD. There was an opera singer who gave up her career to peddle literature for a living. There may have been an instrumentalist interviewed as well; I don't remember. But it really distressed me to see this because it reminded me of my performing arts upbringing and how I subtly deep-sixed it all to follow the P.O's recommended path.

  • yknot

    ...... with all the alleged changes, time marching on, European govenment challenges......

    Will the JW way of life resemble any of this in 10 years? Sure they might still have 'service' but I am willing to speculate it will look a great deal more like the LDS.

    I think we are going to be down-playing imminence and more up on being 'correct' and Arian. I see lots of interfaith associating too in order to make would be converts more comfortable in joining. Sustaining money isn't in culty tatics but rather mass appeal of those who have the wages to once again fill the coffers of the WTS CCJW.

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