And none about doing things for those you love, for no reason. I suppose this means that it is immoral to give a sympathy card ($3 out of the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund and 45 minutes of no field circus) to someone you deeply care about, yet it is acceptable to drag your children out in field circus every Saturday morning and waste $500 on gas, stamps, "food", and suit dry cleanings. Or, if you see a family that you see is too poor to afford any toys for children, it is bad to spend $10 on a treat for them (in front of their parents), but you are supposed to concentrate on taking them out in field circus.
Which is why I had to be discreet when giving goodies to anyone in the Kingdumb Hell (much more so than giving a sympathy card to someone I deeply cared for upon undergoing personal tribulation). At one Grand Boasting Session, I discerned a family that was of little means. They had a toy binoculars from McDonald's. This was obviously a piece of crap (the optics were so bad that I could not see any more detail with than without them, despite that it was bigger), yet it was all those children had. I went after the session and got them something they could have a bit of fun with--hidden from the hounders, of course.
Now, occasionally you might see a washtowel article about this (usually, it is veiled as mercy). However, those generally tell you that you should not single out those you care about when giving such gifts--but be prepared to do it all the time to those who you know will abuse it. Usually, those rare washtowel articles get lost amidst the shuffle of more field circus, can you do more, being obedient to the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger (so far, I have seen several obey the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger study articles in the Kool-Aid washtowels, but I have yet to see one on giving out of mercy).
Not only that, you will not find Jesus or his teachings in the top 10. For an organization that professes to have a monopoly on proper Christianity, this simply is not acceptable (if it were atheist, I could accept it). For sure, I know that Jesus, if present at one of those things, would appreciate my giving, out of my heart, a toy to a child that obviously has little (at that, in front of their parents) than all the obedience, submission, pio-sneering, throwing away all my good music, and giving to those I care little about or that I know would abuse the situation in the world. For, to give something to a child who has little helps that child to learn (that is how they learn when they are little), especially if it's something that is also educational (the toy I gave at the above Grand Boasting Session was a set of a calculator and some pens and pencils). Great to help that child to learn--not so great to help a pedophile get away with it and silence the victim.