What Is 'Normal' Behaviour? And How Do You ....

by Celtic 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celtic

    Attain the definition of what 'Normality' is?

    How can I define it? Does the answer fit within a box? What must I be? How can I be that? Will I be Happy on finding the solution to the answer?

    What is the answer? What was the question? Have we consciously and collectively forgotten what the question was? Is the answer then, always lost? By not knowing how to ask the right questions in the first place? Where am I now? Where am I going? Should I be doing? Is 'being' better?

    Any others suffered from Ontological Insecurity? Have you derived any real benefit, from asking too many of the wrong questions? Or is it that just my consciousness awareness is disjointed? How do I go about the repair job?

    From one Balmpot to many others.



  • lydia

    Okay, maybe I'm off my rocker, but you seeing the faerie people lately?? Seriously though.....
    I think that being "normal" is being okay with your self...and fixing yourself is something you can do by helping others.. at least that is what has helped me to fix the problems that I have been left with. I do feel that I have benifited by asking the really dumb questions..but thats me...Lydia

  • ISP

    Before getting much further......would a definition of 'normal' help anyway?

    Best wishes


  • Xena

    ROTFL...no offence Celtic...but you are asking US what normal is???? Well I know I sure am NOT normal....so I guess the opposite of me..

  • GatoCat

    Hey, Celtic, did you maybe get a table saw for Christmas? No? Well dangit, son, pack up whatever you did get and sell it back to the store, and go get yourself a table saw and a book on what to do with it. You need a hobby, man!

    COMF, who loves to work in wood

  • forgetmenot

    [quote] does the answer fit within a box [quote]

    First of all, no. I have found that putting things in boxes limits their potential.

    And [quote] being okay with your self [quote]
    must be (statement not a plead) a personnal feeling because my Uncle has said many times "I'm okay with myself" and to me, his life is not normal.

    As humans, we tend to describe normal in very personalized terms. Because many hold the veiw that it is "all about them", they describe themselves as normal and everyone else (since everyone is unique) as un-normal.

    And then, perhaps "normal" is just being "unique", for it is normal to be unique. Enjoy pondering!

  • Thomas Poole
    Thomas Poole

    The best way to understand what being normal is, is to realize first what abnormality is.

    I am saying that to be abnormal is quite normal, because the world, as affected by humanity, is quite abnormal.

    To think one is normal [a presumptuous undertaking] is really a momentary delusion, a delusion without any existing parameters of abnormal reality to affect the moment.

    Noteworthy, is that abnormal people are quite often the more contented, jesticulating with the upmost irregularity of vicarious make-believe climatic nuances.

    They can be very interesting. You can alway know who they are.

  • Celtic

    Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmm mmm m

    Looks ponderously flumoxipopscicled, and scratches his head in befafflement, trying to not look absurd at the same time.

    Any more clues?

  • Preston

    I believe to define what normal is, in relation to being a JW or ex-JW, relates to what it means to be a healthy person, both mentally and physically. Don't worry; I'm not pushing reading Men's health magazines, or some type of motivational group thang. I will say I believe normality can be defined by how your body and mind react.

    Being a JW is not normal. I would say having a strict Biblical mindset isn't very normal either. Being a JW teaches you to live a perpetual childhood, to follow the society even if you don't agree with them, as if they were your mother. In essence, a group of 12 people, people who you probably never meet, are your surrogate family. People are never meant to be brought up like this. Maybe they feel like they are fulfilling some kind of sacred duty, and it makes them feel special, but it's still a form of kidnapping in my opinion.

    Other things that your body can't take: You have to minimize as much free-time as possible for leisure and recreation even with a full time job, you have to dress like shit, you live in constant fear of sin, and possibly the most harmful thing you can do to yourself: you can not trust yourself. It is the ultimate expression in self-denial. Denial of self, leads to denial of who you are as a person. It's like you don't even exist. You're merely God's plaything. And I can tell you that being a JW wasn't normal for me. I was going through a mid-life crisis and I was only 22, and I had lost interest in maintaining my physical health. You live such a separatist lifestyle it's ridiculous.

    Likewise, being an ex-JW, I think I have defined myself in a way to lead as normal of a life as possible. Personally, I cannot spend as much time here as many of you people do. I can't live in this perpetual on-line world where most people who exist in my life are people I can't even see or talk to. I don't think we were made to be that way. You've got to have fun. You need to try new things, create things. C'mon, how much room is there for creativity as a JW (very little). Go hiking, try different foods, mess things up a bit, role-play, wear women's clothes, learn salsa dancing, go to gay clubs, make your own world, don't depend on others to do it for you.

    I think maintaining yourself in a good way relates to what it means to be a normal person. Accept ambiguity, accept there is black and white with relation to the laws of the universe, accept the strange, the weird, the chaotic, as long as it makes yourself and others better people.

  • wonderwoman77

    I think normal is one of those relative terms. What one person believes is normal, another person says is not. But honestly, who cares what normal is. Accept yourself and others will accept you too...

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