as a hobby? I've toyed with the idea of staying in a few, just for the hell of it. The Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs is only an hour and a half from here. Any famous ones close to where you are?
anyone visit haunted hotels
by John Doe 19 Replies latest jw friends
close to me is the myrtles plantation.
i went to the stanley hotel in estes park colorado once. didn't stay overnight.
I've heard rumors of a haunted ice-making machine at our local Holiday Inn Express. Whenever anyone comes near it, it starts shooting out ice cubes until they're all over the floor. Spooky.
I've been in the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs. It was kinda spooky. In fact I'll be going back to E Springs in Oct. and might just pay it another visit.
No, never stayed in one. This is about an hour away from where I live...
The house where Lizzie Borden murdered her parents is now a bed and breakfast and museum.
I've been working in hotels for over ten years, both here and the UK. Although stories abound, can't say I've seen anything unusual. I'm about an hour from the Banff Springs Hotel. A couple of friend's of mine have worked there and some believe the stories. These are the main "ghosts" haunting the hotel:
Sam Macauley, a bellman who died in 1976. Sam loved the hotel so much, fellow bellman David Moberg remembers Sam retiring several times, but always returning to work at the hotel. Before his death in 1976, he promised to haunt the hotel from beyond. Shortly after Sam's death, David says a bellman wearing an old-fashioned uniform and matching Sam's description mysteriously appeared to help two women locked out of their room. Another guest reported seeing a bellman matching Sam's description walk right through a wall. Another possible visitor from the afterworld is the dancing bride. In 1932, on her wedding day, a bride reportedly died when she fell down a staircase. A year later in the middle of the night, workers reported heard mysterious music and saw the eerie image in the Rob Roy dining room of a bride dancing alone. -
ohh, I forgot to mention the hidden room!! Apparently there is a room that has been blocked off. Rumors say it's haunted! whoeeeeoooooweeee
Psychotic Parrot
Haunting is caused by carbon monoxide leakage from old boilers.
John Doe
Haunting is caused by carbon monoxide leakage from old boilers.
Psychotic Parrot
No ghosts.