Post traumatic stress symptom

by Nicolas 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Nicolas

    I was searching informations about stress because I'm a really stressed person and I found out this site. It talk about the reactions of a someone who have lived a stressful events. Here is what they say:" 1. What is trauma?
    The psychiatric definition of "trauma" is "an event outside normal human experience." Trauma generally leaves you feeling powerless, helpless, paralyzed. It tends to be sudden and overwhelming; it "owns" you. You cannot think clearly during and after a severe trauma; at the same time, you are forced to focus your consciousness in an attempt to deal. One author defines trauma as "any sudden and potentially life-threatening event." This refers to one-time traumatic events, but most of it applies to prolonged, repeated trauma as well."

    "3. Some instances of prolonged trauma.

    • physical or sexual abuse as a child or spouse
    • war
    • life in a prison camp
    • life as a refugee
    • hostage situations
    • life in a concentration camp
    • life in some religious cults
    "Symptoms of PTSD can include:

    • Hypervigilance and scanning
    • Elevated startle response
    • Blunted affect, psychic numbing
    • Aggressive, controlling behavior (a high degree of insistence on getting your way)
    • Interruption of memory and concentration
    • Depression
    • Generalized anxiety
    • Violent eruptions of rage
    • Substance abuse
    • Intrusive recall -- different from normal memory in that it brings with it stress and anxiety
    • Dissociative experiences, including dissociative flashbacks
    • Insomnia
    • Suicidal thoughts
    • Survivor guilt"

    Some of these symptoms really describe how I was feeling while I was in the org. I hope that it will help you too.

    Black holes are where God divided by zero.

  • ElijahTheThird

    I have seen this in others, I have experianced it, and all I can say is GET OVER IT! It happend, and that is that!

    or? turn to "pharmakia" (sorcery? yeah I am sure,, ROFLMAO Pill pushing doctors, gods in white coats!) Just take a pill, be happy!

    What do you think the "stress" level is going to be like over the next 10 years? Do you think that the "end times" are going to be "relaxing"? NOT!

    Learn to deal with all your emotions and in a manner that our Creator designed into us, not the way the "world" wants you to react. Think about it.

    Happy Holidays to yah though.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Elijah, I say this after long thought and careful consideration:


    Your lack of compassion is exceeded only by your moronitude.

  • waiting

    Hey Nicolas,

    Yeah, in spite of what the fool below you said, meds help. They're not the Total Answer - but as a friend told me "Better living through modern pharmaceuticals."

    Did Prozac for 5 years during therapy for PTS and for mpd/did. Decided to wing it on my own after that. Doing ok....

    I think a lot of people have some of the syptoms in PTS to some degree or another, at one time in their life or another. It's when it whams you with a lot of the symptoms that it seems to take such an angry toll.

    Glad to meet you - hope you hang around. This has gotten to be a tougher place than it used to be - but still a fine arena to reason a lot of things out.



    Well said. Glad you haven't lost your touch. Happy New Year's!


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    PTSD is a definite problem for some who have left high demand groups such as the JWs. Believe me you are not alone in this.

    The manner in which most JWs live in a state of fear and most especially those who are DFed or even DA themselves would be enough to cause the symptoms of PTSD. Losing your entire support system/community and for many family as well as all friends would be considered outside the realm of normal human experience.

    You might want to take a look at an article on my web page called <a href="">Social Death: The Practice of Disfellowshipping among JWs</A> that addresses the issue of leaving the JWs to an experience of social death. Although the article does not address PTSD and its direct relation to social death I think the link can be made between the two.

    Hmmm I might need to do a bit more writing.

    You might also find the article <a href="">Complex PTSD</A> interesting as it adds the perspective of a history of subjection to totalitarian control over a prolonged period.

  • JohnJBB123


    If you knew what PTSD was you would not be saying such a thing to Nicolas. If you do know what it is and you still made such a comment, you are about as ignorant as they come. I am studying to be a professional counselor.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Elijah the turd.
    You deserve eternal misery for posting such a disgusting response.
    You are trash. Scum. Filth.You think YOUR goin up in the rapture?! You are dead wrong pal.Your stayin here durin the antiChrist reign.
    I hope he fucks your brain over real bad.You deserve it.

  • Nicolas

    I would like to take a look at your site Lady Lee but I get a 404 not found error, when I want to open the site in my browser. And for ElijahTheTurd, I really don't care of what he said, his mind is controlled by the WatchtTower, the organization of Satan, so he can't say something intelligent.

    Black holes are where God divided by zero.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Try this one <a href="">; My web site</a> and then scroll down to find the links/pages you want

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I see there is a problem with how the link is being displayed. Try going through my profile or copy and paste this

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