She agreed to read the relevant page at and I nervously hovered as she did so. Amazingly and to my immense relief she instantly grasped the logic of what the website was telling her. The Watchtower says Jesus is not your Mediator. The Bible says he is. It ended for Sam right there. A lifetime of indoctrination evaporated in less time than its taken me to describe what happened. And so she read a few more pages and understood the whole construct was built on sand. Sam joined JWN the following Tuesday and put our WTS library in the recycling.
You were so lucky your gamble with Sam paid off. I admire that she had this attitude. I feel ashamed to think that I gave Matt such a hard time in the beginning. I wouldn't even let him talk to me about any doubts he had, let alone show me anything on the internet. My head was very much chained to the WT and it took me a long time after Matt to see the 'Truth' for what it was.
The rest of your account reads so much like ours, can't wait for the next installment.