I am having some reservations about Barbara Anderson

by JWoods 89 Replies latest jw friends

    No big news have done anything to stop the worldwide brotherhood......ATALYA

    . OstrichOstrichOstrichOstrichOstrichOstrichOstrichOstrich.

    Ostrich 2.


  • jookbeard

    There's always been a few things that have disturbed me about the Anderson's as well TBH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not really they are great LOL!

  • BabaYaga

    Barbara, I am in awe of you and your work. You mean so very much to me, and I thank the heavens you do what you do.

    Leolaia, that story was completely and utterly awesome. It really moved me. Thank you so very much. This is so worthy of another post.

    Leo's story:

    It was still early in the morning that fateful Sunday, and the disciples were huddled in their secret room. Several of them had been to the tomb and discovered it empty and were shaking with fear, uncertain what had happened. Then came a knock on the door.

    "Open the door, it's me, Mary Magdalene!!"

    Peter opened the door and let Sister Magdalene in. "Where have you been? We lost you down by the tomb."

    "I know," Mary said quickly, "but listen....I have some BIG NEWS!"

    "We know already," Andrew said, "The tomb's empty."

    "No, not that, well not just that," Mary said. "There's something else, something REALLY BIG I just found out." Mary recalled in her mind her amazing encounter with the risen Jesus. He told her to go to the disciples and tell them to wait, for he was to come to them, but also he instructed her not to tell them yet that he has risen, as a test of their faith. Mary was filled with so much excitement, she wanted to tell them, but all she could do was tell them to wait for some AMAZING news.

    "Well, what else is there to know?" said Peter. "Hurry up, I'm heading back home to Galilee to forget this whole thing."

    "No, wait! Listen, I can't tell you exactly what it is, but just in an hour or two something REALLY AMAZING is going to happen."

    Thomas piped up. "Oh I know, we're gonna be seeing the Son of Man coming on the clouds in great power and glory! It's gotta be that! It's just what our Lord foretold and nothing can be BIGGER NEWS than that!" And with that, Thomas rushed outside to go to the Temple Mount to watch for the Son of Man's arrival, and Bartholomew and Philip went with him.

    "Naw, it's not going to be that," Peter said, "I was told to go to Galilee, and obviously whatever is going to happen is going to occur there. Adios, amigos!!" And with that, Peter went off in a hurry.

    Simon the Zealot thought otherwise. "Obviously, it has to be revenge against the rulers who put our beloved Jesus to death! What could be more just than that. They have been so wicked, and now they will be exposed and punished for their sins. That's why they stole the body from the tomb, just to incite us to action. I must now go off to take part in their downfall. May Jesus our Lord be avenged!!" Andrew went off with him as well, to take arms against the Roman occupiers and religious authorities.

    Mary stood there in shock seeing everyone overreact to her news, and follow their own interpretations. "Please, John son of Zebedee," Mary said, "Surely you have enough sense to know what I mean."

    "Yes, I think I do," he told her, "Everyone has been foolish. I know for a fact that my friend Joseph of Arimathea had plans to rebury Jesus this afternoon in secret, so as to prevent his followers from taking his body as a relic and worshipping it. I now see that he actually did this in the middle of the night, with angelic help, to second-guess anyone else who wanted to take the body for himself. I understand, then, what you want to tell us. For you too encountered him, and know that I am going to meet him in an hour to lay Jesus to rest in a permanent sepulcher."

    "That's not quite what I had in..." Mary said, but before she could finish her sentence, John put his finger on her lips and said, "Shhhh, don't say it, for I already know." And with that, he went off on his donkey to find Joseph of Arimathea, who lived outside of Jerusalem.

    Mary now was alone in the secret house. All she did was hint to everyone that she had some BIG NEWS that she could not yet tell, but unfortunately each person interpreted it their own way and went off following their own hopes and illusions. Several moments later, there was a knock on the door.

    It was Jesus.

    "Where did everyone go?" he said, shaking his head.

  • Mary
    JWoods said: However, I felt the need to call it like I really feel it - I was very put off by the Barbara Anderson reply in which she plugged her new promotional meeting.

    Since I missed seeing the thread that apparently caused such an uproar, it took me a few minutes to find the post you were referring to, but I will assume this is it where she said:

    "Come one and all to the two-day BRCI conference starting on Friday, September 18th and have some fun with people who don't necessarily have the same spiritual beliefs, or maybe even secular beliefs, but who enjoy each other's company and continue to learn and grow in understanding and acceptance of each other's unique personalities and appreciate the gifts of experience each offers.

    I will be speaking about Watchtower's leadership decisions that are out-and-out dangerous, some of which JWs have no idea could mean their deaths. It will be a bit different and I hope that I impart some information which will be helpful to listeners."

    Um, unless I'm missing something, I fail to see how anyone could find this offensive. From what I can see, Barbara is simply extending an invitation for everyone to get together. We've been doing that for years on this board, so why is this suddenly a problem? Barbara has done an enormous amount of work that has helped expose the pedophile problem in the Organization and that is absolutely priceless. She paid dearly for appearing on shows like Dateline, and we all owe her a debt of gratitude for what she's done. She's extended an invitation for a get together in Illinois and exchange thoughts and ideas, end of story.

    JWoods, I am somewhat stunned that you would even consider starting such a thread, as it comes off as being extremely petty and mean-spirited. And for what purpose?

  • hamsterbait


    Sitting modestly in the sidelines with your hands folded in your lap will accomplish NOTHING.

    To get anywhere in this world on any issue you need a brass neck, a thick skin and be sassy as all hell.

    Nobody has any excuse to plead ignorance on the issues you have dealt with. Thanks God.

    Your work is great, and I for one am behind you 100%


  • hamsterbait

    The only thing that worried me about the "BIG NEWS" thread (before the court documents CD came out) was that it forewarned the WTBTS that something was about to come out, and they could have started searching and found out what it was and STOPPED it.

    I also feel it was a shame that Barbara told ANYBODY about the Dateline program, as it meant the Witchtower could take action against her before it aired and thousands fewer witlesses watched it as they were told not to. Unfortunately she trusted those she told, and found out to her cost that they were false friends.

    Sometimes it is wise to be like William the Silent. Keep your mouth shut and your cards close to your chest.

    She has done so much good, that i am irritated by this petty thread, yet feel the need to reply....


  • quietlyleaving

    I didn't open the first thread (by amazing) until the second one appeared with his unusual apology which he then explained in greater depth and was great. By the time I got to read the first thread it was locked and then after a while it got deleted.


    The only thing that worried me about the "BIG NEWS" thread (before the court documents CD came out) was that it forewarned the WTBTS that something was about to come out, and they could have started searching and found out what it was and STOPPED it.

    I think that Barb and Joe would have thought of that. In fact if the WTS had tried to stop them they'd have had an even bigger PR problem on their hands because then they'd have had to take Barbara and Joe to court.

    WTS tactics are to grind people down emotionally, economically and physically. They have found through repeated use that this works and that people eventually disintegrate and are silenced. Thats why for me it is such an eye opener to see that Barb and Joe, Amazing, Simon, Silentlambs , Ray Franz, outlaw, purps etc have almost got to that point but have picked themselves up and won (despite paradoxically wasting away), not as a group but in their own individual way.

    I also feel it was a shame that Barbara told ANYBODY about the Dateline program, as it meant the Witchtower could take action against her before it aired and thousands fewer witlesses watched it as they were told not to. Unfortunately she trusted those she told, and found out to her cost that they were false friends.

    well over here we all got warned about the panorama program but many witnesses did go ahead and watch it - they wouldn't have if it hadn't been publicised at the KH. I got my family to tape it for me as after the KH announcemnt I was determined to watch it. Some of my witness friends watched it too and they prolly wouldn't have known about it either. I think that its just as likely that when the WTS tries to damage control it has the opposite effect.

  • bohm

    Mary: hell yes! . this is just getting stupid.

  • Scott77

    I liked reading this thread abit but at the end, developed some reservations about JWoods. Next time JWoods, please PM Barbara Anderson. And you Barbara, you are legendary, a fighter, a human right activist, a source of inspiration to all of us. In fact, it was one of your research work that attracted me to JWN site through google search. Barbara, when the majority of us come forward to support you, we are doing so as an expression of freedom of speech. If you see this JWN, Barbara's posts tends to attract the hightest number of visitors, a testament to the value and importance of her many years of inside wisdom and research work on WTS. Please, do not go. we still need you.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    If we ever get to the point where we can’t question the motives of well-known ex-JWs such as Barbara Anderson, then we might as well go back to the WTS where we all know it is forbidden to question the elders, let alone the FDS.

    Promoting “the big news” in the way she did may have been mishandled in the sense that she is dealing with ex-JWs who were promised and expecting the Big A for years, even decades, yet it never came. So some ex-JWs may have a slight skepticism towards anyone else who proclaims that some “big news” is coming.

    Having said that, I am familiar with what Barbara does and I think she is a very gutsy and intelligent lady. If I ever had the pleasure to meet her, I would welcome her with a huge hug!

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