Your chance!!!........ to tell us your Mission Statement in life !

by caliber 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • caliber

    mission statement is a brief written statement of the purpose of a company or organization. Ideally, a mission statement guides the actions of the organization, spells out its overall goal, provides a sense of direction, and guides decision making for all levels of management.

    The Mission Statement of an Organization is a short but complete description of the overall purpose and intentions of that Organization. It states what is to be achieved, but not how this should be done.

    I will call it.... The three V's.... Visions, values & views... What is your personal mission statement ?

    It can include such things as motto's such as (sample quote ..)

    Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.” James Dean

    Some statement that summarizes you.... that say yes that me, that's my attitude ...thats what I believe.. that's where I'm going !!

    What driving force is why you wake up each morning ?

    What thoughts put" burning desire "in your soul ?

  • Satanus

    I'm still working on it, but it is coming into view.



    Find Beer..

    Drink Beer..Chugger

    Unload Beer..Peeing In The Snow


  • caliber

    Here's one from a song "don't worry be happy "

  • Cicatrix

    Life happens moment by moment, experience by experience. I am trying to hard to be fully present in the now, and savoring the present for whatever lessons it brings.My goal is to leave something behind that makes the world a better place-be it a "small" thing or something great, and though I don't know just what that "thing" is yet, I am having a great time trying to find out what my unique contribution is. I think people are more important than things, and I want my life to reflect that.

  • Hope4Others

    My mission is to stop waiting to retire to have fun.....

    Be thankful every morning I'm healthy, wealthy and wise.......hehe.....

    Wake up with a smile, never let anyone rob me of my joy and inner peace.....

    Get hubby's addiction to the internet at

    Pass my bike road test on Wednesday......whew who.......the roads are waiting.....


  • caliber

    your life mission doesn't have to be a barn-burner.. look at this one ...

    (no offense to breast Cancer awareness people however )

  • homeschool

    "Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away and you have their shoes."

    -from the infamous Jack Handy

  • JeffT

    Life is a journey, not a destination.

  • palmtree67

    1. "First, do no harm."

    2. "My house is clean enough to be healthy, dirty enough to be happy."

    3. "Always make your words simple and sweet, because you may have to eat them one day."

    I learned a good lesson from another person quite a few years ago. She walked around with a big smile, and often said, "Hi!" to people passing her. It amazed me how people responded. There was the odd one who looked at her like she was nuts, but most people would smile back, you could see their whole demeanor change.

    I copied her and now it feels completely natural to me to walk around with a smile! Even when I don't feel like it, it puts me in a better mood.

    I have to walk through a mall to get to my office and one day, someone in the mall asked the doctor I work for, "Does that smiling girl work for you?" Yesterday, someone asked him, "Whats the matter with your receptionist? She wasn't smiling this morning." He laughed and said, "Oh, she's got a cold and isn't feeling good today."

    I recommend walking around with a smile everywhere you go!!

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