One aspect of the “leaving JW” process has long puzzled me – why can a fading JW become mentally disinterested , miss loads of meetings , become irregular in the ministry , perhaps even become involved in “minor worldly conduct” without too much concern from relatives or the elders over a period of years , even decades. Yet as soon as they make it become known that they are not going to the meetings anymore, all hell breaks loose. Elders dust down their OD books and come calling on shepherding visits , perhaps for the first time for many years. Family members start weeping and slitting wrists – long lost cousins and aunts suddenly start phoning with wild threats of imminent doom and email huge sections cut & pasted from Watchtowers. “Worldly conduct” , previously ignored , suddenly takes on great significance and judicial committees start being considered.
It implies that as long as someone is going to the meetings , albeit irregularly , than that is OK , even if they do nothing else. Yet how often have the WTS condemned “Christendom’s followers” as merely being “pew fillers” , happy to go along on a Sunday occasionally.
Is it because stopping meeting attendance altogether is regarded as a final , ultimate step?