Theodore Jaracz Update

by Japster 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    He would just give up if he was really gonna get a pet lion...............

    just sayin'

  • moshe

    A study on religion and the terminally ill, found that the more religious a person was, the more willing they were to use extraordinary medical treatments to prolong their life. I'm no fan the the GB and wish they would just admit they are regular men who are running a religious publishing company.

  • Farkel

    While Ted is recuperating, he can always take solace by reading his fan mail in here!


  • dinah

    Farkel, did you see my middle finger pointed at Brooklyn?

    Heh Heh

    Get well soon, Ted!!! (or just die already)


    Hey Japster..

    Thanks for the update..


  • Gorbatchov

    Just like the Soviet Leaders in the good old times (Andropov, Tsjenenko).


  • WTWizard

    A sure sign that he is not ready to call it a lifetime--he has accomplished precisely nothing of any use during his life, and he has wasted resources aplenty (and intentionally ruined lives).

    However, let's not forget that, when this humanoid croaks, Gerrit Losch is waiting to assume full control. That slimebag is going to do things like banning all education (his crap is all the "education(??)" they need) and fun. And he will deliberately introduce misleading doctrines and orders that will have even worse results--including blatantly quack medical items (like oral sex leading to oral cancer). And, I can see Losch plunging the whole world into the Second Dark Ages, confusing any and all science beyond repair and enforcing his doctrine with getting stoned to death.

  • jookbeard

    I wonder if he ever feels blood guilt for the countless members of the WTS who have died through no blood, where someone like him could have played an active role in dropping the murderous doctrine, "Ted Jaracz murderer"

  • Farkel


    :I wonder if he ever feels blood guilt for the countless members of the WTS who have died through no blood

    Have you ever looked into his eyes? This guy isn't capable of feeling guilty about anything. In fact, I would be so bold to say that he's proud of things he should feel guilty about.

    If there was ever a reason to believe in demon possession, one look in TJ's eyes would be it.


  • JimmyPage

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