This has probably already been discussed to some degree on here. But i think its probably a commonly noticed thing that jehovahs witness women and becoming more and more unstable mentally and physically as a whole. They seem to suffer from a bizzarely high percentage of scent sensitivities, chronis fatigue syndrome and the like.Are they making it up for attention? symptoms of their generally high rates of depression? or what? i just think its an interesting topic in womens issues as well as theology.
The toll on women..
by freedomisntfree 26 Replies latest watchtower medical
FreedomIsn't said:
They seem to suffer from a bizzarely high percentage of scent sensitivities, chronis fatigue syndrome and the like.
Yes... I have noticed the same thing, and I agree, it does indeed seem to be "a bizarrely high percentage." Considering the fact that I know far, far more non-Witnesses than Witnesses, and that almost all of the sufferers of these maladies that I know are of the small Witness population, yes, anecdotally at least, the percentage is astoundingly disproportionate.
I would love to see real stats on the subject.
Mickey mouse
Steve Hassan mentions in his first book that "undiagnosable disorders" are common amongst cult members; the incidence of eczema and allergies is also higher. His theory is that the body can do what the mind is unable to by producing conditions which will allow the cult member to withdraw and get needed physical and psychological rest.
My personal opinion is that many JWs are depressed, feel guilty because as one of Jehovah's "happy people" they don't feel they have the right to be depressed and they look for alternative explanations: CFS, ME, fibromyalgia etc.
I think the emotional toll on JW women is high. Women generally need other female friends more than men need other men, yet they are unable to be open and honest with one another where part of the problem involves their involvement with the WT organization. We live with the increased risk of loss of life during childbirth and the potential for the severing of the strongest bond possible: mother and child should our offspring choose not to remain a JW. Add to all of this the misogynistic nature of the WT superstructure and what you get is a very unhealthy environment for a woman.
yes, yes, yes, me ladies to express your sexuality!! here for ya..........oompa
I remeber wanting so bad to just stay home and not go to the meeting I would feel physically sick (pain/nausia or some other symptom). Part of me knew I wasn't really sick and I just couldn't stand going to another meeting, but I never really thought about it like that while I was in. I have to agree with the undiagnosable sickness theory, one can only take so much of that BS before you need an excuse to miss meetings. If the mind makes the body sick then they can miss meetings with no added guilt.
i so wanted to miss the meetings, i would be the one to claim i was having a rough period...............oompa
I suffered from migrains and anxiety for years. The Xanax and pain medications made the meeting bearable.
Weird the way it all went away when I quit going to the meeting and just accepted that I had been duped.
All the articles in the Asleep! magazine just helps put ideas into their heads as well.
If an article came out on lactose/gluten/shellfish/nut problems a whole raft of people discovered they had it, and started taking quack remedies to cure themselves.
When I was a kid I used to pore over my Grandfather's pathology textbooks with their depressing little black and white plates. By teatime I had cancer, infantile paralysis, liver failure and nervous exhaustion. If you read about it youcan convince yourself you have it.
Witchtower intolerance is not yet a recognised condition and as such there is no patented pill to cure it...
I think how women are consantly reminded that they are second class people.
They must cover their heads, hide their legs, their arms, never disagree with an elder obey her Lord and Master. Live in godly subjection etc.
Their self esteem is bashed all the time. Occasionally they are told the wifes role is an "exalted one" or they are reminded they do most of the preaching. But the rarity of this can only reinforce what she suspects - she is just there to cater for the mens needs.
And if you are single nobody wants you... is there something wrong with you?
Such things can never happen in Jehovah's "Spiritual Paradise." I read that in a book somewhere so it must be true...