Top 10 Signs You Might Not Be A Libertarian

by Elsewhere 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips

    Dailykos. A veritable hotbed of Libertarianism!


  • jaguarbass

    I voted for Ron Paul in 88 he was a libertarian.

    And Ross Perot in 92 he was an independent.

    I think I threw my vote away both times.

    Only a republican or democrat will win the national election.

    It's a big machine. All the gears are greased and lubed.

    The working man looses either way.

    Corporations run the US.

    They give us the placebo of voting to pacify us and keep us sedated.

    In China religion is the opiate of the masses.

    In the USA voting is the opiate of the masses.

    Most voters think they really have a voice.

    And those who know dont vote.

    Corporations are never going to give up their federal subsadies.

    I used to register as an independent but you loose your voice, you cant vote in a primary.

    I have been registered as a democrat, republican, and independant.

    I am pretty much for the libertarion ideal as well as utopia,nirvana, paradise on earth and winning the power


  • jeeprube
    Not nearly as funny as watching the democrats bombard us with information about how bad the republicans are, and then act surprised when we find some place else to call home.

    Libertarianism.....the new Witness Protection Program for ashamed Republicans.

  • Farkel

    :Libertarianism.....the new Witness Protection Program for ashamed Republicans.

    They didn't use that name in his time, but Thomas Jefferson was a Libertarian as were most of our Founding Fathers. One only need to read the Constitution to figure that out.


  • BurnTheShips
    Libertarianism.....the new Witness Protection Program for ashamed Republicans.

    Under it's old name, Liberalism, it was the founding philosophy for the nation. So laugh it up. Mid 20th century statists and socialists pretty much destroyed that word by using it to describe themselves and their authoritarian social engineering. Hence the need for a new label such as "libertarian" or "classical liberal" to describe the political philosophy of limited government and sovereign individuals.

    The conservatives see man as a body freely roaming the earth, building sand piles or factories—with an electronic computer inside his skull, controlled from Washington. The liberals see man as a soul freewheeling to the farthest reaches of the universe—but wearing chains from nose to toes when he crosses the street to buy a loaf of bread. --Ayn Rand

    We need a strong party in this country free of the statists and the social conservatives.


  • Kahlua

    Here's a test I received in a forwarded email - World's Smallest Political Quiz

    Not sure how accurate it is.

  • kurtbethel

    Conservatives are inherently fakes. Consider how much they claim to value work, and especially hard work. And yet, they are in favor of taxing income derived from work at a higher rate than income derived from passively letting investment values increase. This is a very important issue for them, and is often mentioned. If you ignore what they say and watch what they do, it gives lie to all the bleating about having value for work.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    you DIGG junky

  • JeffT

    Kurt, No one is taxed on passive gain on investments. The capital gains tax is intended to encourage increased investment, which provides things like jobs.

    Conservatives are inherently fakes. Consider how much they claim to value work, and especially hard work. And yet, they are in favor of taxing income derived from work at a higher rate than income derived from passively letting investment values increase. This is a very important issue for them, and is often mentioned. If you ignore what they say and watch what they do, it gives lie to all the bleating about having value for work.

    Where does the money that does into "passive" investments come from? Unless you are a Kennedy descendant, it comes from someone's hard work. And that income has already been taxed once, as income. Further, even if there is a capitol gains tax, the liberals want to tax you again when you die. So not only is there income tax. Capitol gains tax if you properly invest the money you earned and that was already taxed. There will be a "death tax". Afterall why should anyone, except the Kennedy's, pass on a legacy to their children for all the hard work one has done in their life?

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