Just wondering, does anyone know?
Do JW sisters preach at prisons?
by purplesofa 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Probably Female Prisons..
Are sisters allowed to date prisoners?
Are sisters allowed to date prisoners?
LOL Hey, it might come to that. THere's slim pickins in the Hall!
Sisters are allowed to date fellow inmates at a Kingdom Hall.
I think you know why I was asking,
Wondering, How did it come to be that Garrido met his wife who was a JW, while he was in prison?
Ok, I found this, so she was not there to preach. But still wondering if sisters preach at prisons?
While he was in jail in Leavenworth, Kansas, Garrido met Nancy, who was visiting a relative in prison. The couple wrote to each other and eventually wed in a prison ceremony.
from the article
Describing Garrido's relationship with Nancy, Ms Murphy said: "Last I heard, he found God. He was marrying a Jehovah's Witness lady, somebody he met who visited in Leavenworth."
There obviously was some sort of influence on him from the JW teachings through his wife.
I just saw a post by Marvin on , Yahoo Answers, I think. Now, I can't find it. He mentioned an Elder's letter that talked about sisters dating prisoners. I can't find the thing now. I hope he posts here and has a scan of this letter.
It's not a "sin" to marry an unbeleiver. You just can't get a wedding in the KH, unless both of you go through the elder wedding pre-approval process? So, I'd think it would be ok for a sister to study with a prisoner and to marry a prisoner. Though, I'd hope all her JW sisters would be giing her a loving earfull! But, if she was converting him to being a JW, then she'd be a super-star Jehovah's Witness.
I wonder what happened here.
I did find on another blog that people in Levenworth, KS were confirming that she was a JW at the time she met him. But, I can't find those blogs now.
It's amazing that a single sister and single brother can't be together alone, but a sister can study with a single man. I surely hope the society does not send sisters to prisons to preach.
I have known one instance where a married sister fell in love with a single man she was dating at a congo I was at in Texas.
It was quite a story.
There are 3 women prisons as well as women segments in all the county jails in this state. Based on the congregation's territory they are in, arrangements are made for women to visit for individual studies and group discussions. They do not want to encouragement romantic relationships so keep prison ministries set up gender.
*** km 4/03 p. 7 Question Box ***
What cautions should we heed when witnessing to prison inmates?Worldwide there are at least eight million prison inmates, some of whom show an interest in the good news. (1 Tim. 2:4) One branch office receives some 1,400 letters each month from inmates and their family members requesting literature or a personal visit. While the interest of many inmates is sincere, experience has shown that some feign interest, seeking to take selfish advantage of God’s people. In view of this, all should heed the following cautions regarding witnessing to prison inmates.
In many cases inmates are given a witness by means of correspondence. It is strongly recommended that sistersnotwritetomaleprisoners, even if it is with the goal of giving spiritual help. That responsibility should be handled only by qualified brothers.Qualified sisters may be assigned to correspond with female inmates who express sincere interest in Bible truth. Moneyorpersonalgiftsshouldnotbesenttoinmates, despite the fact that such may be requested.
When an incarcerated person shows interest, his name and address should be turned over to the congregation in the area of the prison facility. Usually the qualified brothers there know how to handle the various situations that can arise. If the congregation is not known, the information should be sent to the branch office.
It is not objectionable for the assigned brothers to hold meetings with prisoners so that several may study at one time. However,specialeventsinwhichpublishersminglefreelywithinmatesshouldnotbeheldinprisons. Furthermore, it is ill-advised for publishers to visit a prison indiscriminately and have close association with prisoners.
May we be "cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves" as we share the good news with prison inmates.—Matt. 10:16.