Nice job Jeff!
What Is Involved In a PROPER Letter for Reinstatement as a JW?
by Spike Tassel 14 Replies latest jw friends
Glad to provide it.
WEll I needed a laugh to day Jeff thanks a lot!!!!
Actually, the WTS thinks that even if you think you didn't do what you are accused of, you should admit you did and repent.
*** w02 11/1 pp. 5-6 Apologizing—A Key to Making Peace ***
‘But I Have Not Done Anything Wrong
’When we find out that someone was offended by what we said or did, we may feel that the person is being unreasonable or too sensitive. Yet, Jesus Christ advised his disciples: "If, then, you are bringing your gift to the altar and you there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away; first make your peace with your brother, and then, when you have come back, offer up your gift."—Matthew 5:23, 24.
For example, a brother may feel that you have sinned against him. In such a situation, Jesus says that you are to go and "make your peace with your brother," whether you feel you have done him wrong or not. According to the Greek text, the word Jesus here used ‘denotes mutual concession after mutual hostility.’ (Vine’sExpositoryDictionaryofOldandNewTestamentWords) Indeed, when two humans are at odds, there may be a measure of blame on both sides, since both are imperfect and prone to err. This usually calls for mutual concessions.
The issue is, not so much who is right and who is wrong, but who will take the initiative to make peace. When the apostle Paul noticed that the Christians in Corinth were taking fellow servants of God to secular courts over such personal differences as financial disagreements, he corrected them: "Why do you not rather let yourselves be wronged? Why do you not rather let yourselves be defrauded?" (1 Corinthians 6:7) Although Paul said this to discourage fellow Christians from airing their personal differences in secular courts, the principle is clear: Peace among fellow believers is more important than proving who is right and who is wrong. Keeping this principle in mind makes it easier to apologize for a wrong that someone thinks we have committed against him or her.
Dear please let me back in. Waa! Waa! Waa! I promise to do whatever you want. please please please lol spike your fictional story is comical. In fact even if it is true it is comical.
And if they still don't reinstate you, maybe you need to show more acts of repentence. Some religions are more articulate about exact requirements. Maybe you will need more active this: