I am looking for a W.T. quote about child abuse

by hubert 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • hubert

    I don't remember where I saw this. I don't remember the whole quote, but here's what stuck out to me.

    ".......and really, would you want to belong to an organization that....." (

    (They are talking about child abuse in the Catholic religion, and how you really wouldn't want to belong to an organization that protects pedofile preists).



  • CandleSurgeon

    Wish I knew. But I'm posting here so if someone does find that quote I will know where it is too.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I don't know but would like it, too. But this reminded me of the YPA advice to children of especially harsh and even abusive parents: Be better kids. That's the same advice given to battered wives.

  • hubert

    What? Nobody heard this (partial) statement before?

    Come on, people, put your thinking caps on. Wizards Hat


  • hubert


    I know it's not much to go on, but I would really love to find out where I read this. I wish I had written down where I saw it before.

    I noticed a couple of people here would also like to know where this statement is found. I tried doing searches on the W.T. cd library, but to no avail. I'm sure it's there somewhere.

    Can anyone give me an idea how I can find it? It's very important to me.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Had a look on the CD ROM and nothing so far but I did dind this gem from the Awake 3/8 1994 Watching the World:

    More Victims Sue Church

    Victims of sexual abuse in Australian religious institutions run by Catholic “brothers” are banding together to take what The Canberra Times describes as one of the biggest class actions in Australian legal history. An application to allow more than 250 writs to be lodged for compensation was filed recently by an organization representing former child victims. The abuse is alleged to have occurred from the 1940’s right up until the 1980’s, and the main defendants cited in the writs include several Catholic archdioceses. One Marist brother has already been convicted of sexual assault. The lawyer representing the victim in this case said: “We’re facing the tip of the iceberg. There’s a deluge of actions likely to occur in the next few years. All religious institutions would need to be concerned.”

  • Black Sheep
  • hubert

    Thanks for your time and search results, Mickey. However, that isn't what I am looking for. Maybe I didn't explain what I am looking for enough.

    I'll try to be more specific.

    It's a quote by the Watchtower Society in one of their publications saying how they condemn all other Christendom churches for covering up child abuse, and they go on to say....."and you wouldn't want to belong to an organization that allows child abuse, would you?"

    (Which shows how hypocritical the W.T. is).

    Maybe that will help.


  • Farkel


    :."and you wouldn't want to belong to an organization that allows child abuse, would you?"

    Nor would I want to belong to a Bible that not only allows it, but demands it: Numbers chapter 31.


  • iknowall558

    WT June 15th 2008 page 9, para 10 :-

    Today, billions of humans are involved in various forms of false religion that can be traced backed to ancient Babylon. (Gen 11:6-9) Collectively, those religions are disignated as "Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth." (Rev 17:5) False religion has a long history of supporting the political rulers of this world. Among "the disgusting things" that she bears responsibility for are the many wars that have resulted in hundreds of millions being "slaughtered on the earth". (Rev 18:24) Additional "disgusting things" include acts of pedophilia and other forms of sexual immorality committed by clergymen and tolerated by the church authorities. Is it any wonder that Jehovah God will soon rid the earth of false religion? (Rev 18:8)

    Don't know if this is the one you're looking for

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