Tea, bangers and mash?
the full english
by highdose 25 Replies latest jw friends
wha happened?
fried mushroom and potatoe waffle?
Hot cup of tea, with toast and butter next to a full englash inc.. sausage, 1 fried egg, 2 rashers of crispy bacon, fried mushrooms and 2 lightly grilled tomatoes. I like to scrape my buttered toast in the egg yolk which hopefully is still slightly runny Mmmm.
wot no fried bread?
Good Lord, Reniaa IS NORMAL!
Variants north of the border would be to replace sausages with Lorne sausage, add tattie scones and a slice of fried fruit loaf although I've never been offered the latter outside of Glasgow. Oh and a grilled half tomato (that nobody ever eats).
jookbeard after reading your weekly menu I want to know do you take in boarders?
If we ever have a cooked breakfast (maybe twice a year) it is:
bacon, fried eggs with runny yolk, fried tomato, baked beans and toast with coffee and juice
You can also have a slice of haggis in Scotland.
I'm getting hungry thinking about all this!
you like that menu Hopscotch?
Freedom Fighter
I'm just so totally starving now....thank goodness it's lunchtime here! I love fried potato scone!