My mother's friend's sister's missionary cousin says Harmageddon is immminnenet
by daniel-p 62 Replies latest jw friends
He should know!
Since the proof is in the pudding, here's the online chat that was forwarded to my mom's friend's sister, and then to my mom's friend, and then to my mom, and then she sent it to me. I consider it highly reliable source since she is/was a missionary in Gawana or some equitorial nation:
5:55 - she said i heard it first and i wuz lik no you dintn and she wuz like
5:55 - just tell me what they said
5:56 - aw no you DINDT!! well inewayz girlfrend they said it from the stage that Jah be redy now to bring the end
5:56 - really!
5:56 - and that hes put all his trust in the faithful and discreet slave and we shuld too. it was then i was like
5:56 - wow! that's so exciting
5:57 - girl {to myself] you shuld better straighten up cuz it could happen any day now
Well anyway this was the jist of it. You see what I'm talking about now.
So did my sister.
It's true cause they said so at the convention.
I think your mother's friend's sister's missionary cousin is my sister's husbands friends Aunt's nieces acquantance, that told my sister as well, who told me!!
It's very serious.
Is this my cue to bend over and kiss my ass good-bye?
How soon? Any day now?
Sounds like they are all getting on the bandwagon
I never really cared for that missionary's position.
Wait... is this a joke?