A Question Ex-Jws and Atheist On This Site

by Blue Grass 79 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • doofdaddy

    Blue Grass

    See Bohm's thread

  • BurnTheShips


    This site is about a lot more than JW complaining and bible bashing.

    And yes, some criticism has no foundation, in my humble opinion.

    But we've got plenty of believers (of many different things) as well as non-believers here. We all have a shared experience from our former JW lives, and many, if not all of us, have been hurt in different ways.

    This site provides a forum to discuss all this.

    It may be "getting old" for you, but then, you are not forced to be here on this site, or to read it. That said, do stick around, I have learned a great deal here, and so will you. We often learn most from those we disagree with. At the very least, our premises are challenged.


  • chickpea

    i appreciate how diligently you have
    resisted the impulse to paint with a
    broad brush, as it would indicate no
    variation of individual perceptions
    of a monolithic enterprise, nor allow
    what has for millenium been a series
    of subjective interpretations of a collective
    of writings from a desert culture

    i have to get back to readiing my
    download of this month's KM so i
    know what to expect when offered
    a doorstep BS

  • Scully

    Why do you guys spend so much time discussing and researching a book you believe to be fiction?

    It was the research and discussion that led me to believe that book (the bible) was a work of fiction.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Why do you guys spend so much time discussing and researching a book you believe to be fiction?

    I no longer research the book. I do read about Jesus being a human and the development of a religion around his legend which stole from other myths. I don't discuss the book much, but mostly stick to discussing the cult and our lives.

    And for the ex- jws (which technically includes atheist) why are you guys coming to a site on a daily/weekly basis to discuss an organization that you are no longer a part of?

    Look pal, if this is not for you then you are free to move on. Some of us have issues, have family still in the cult, some of us gave up an entire life of education, friends, family, thinking, etc. and just did what we were told. Some of us lost all of our friends and/or family. Pardon us if we are bitter and obsessive for whatever time we need. Others have gone through all that to some degree and want to help others. Move along, thanks for stopping by. Good day to you.

  • Farkel

    Blue Grass,

    You said:

    :And for the ex- jws (which technically includes atheist) why are you guys coming to a site on a daily/weekly basis to discuss an organization that you are no longer a part of?

    That question should be asked to JWs who left other religions to join the WTS because they spend their entire LIVES doing that. ALL of them.

    :I have a question for the regulars on this site which are mainly ex- jws and atheist.

    Well, Blue Grass, you are a liar. You are liar because even though you say you have a question, you already provide your own answer, and that makes you not only a liar, but a twit who doesn't really want anyone else's answer.

    Here's your answer to your OWN question:

    :To be blunt, this site is composed of losers who are bitter and have no way of channeling their anger so they just b !# ch , whine, and complain about Witnesses and the bible.

    If that wasn't enough, you are also a self-righteous twit, which is worse than your ordinary twit, because you have the gall to tell us what to do:

    :I suggest you all find something more productive to do with your time, because coming online everyday b !& ching about your past experiences and verses in the Bible you don't understand is getting really old, really fast.

    So, why didn't you just speak the truth to begin with: "I am a self-righteous twit who will now tell you all what you should be doing with your lives. I know what is best for you. So there."


  • undercover
    I suggest you all find something more productive to do with your time, because coming online everyday b!&ching about your past experiences and verses in the Bible you don't understand is getting really old, really fast.

    My knee jerk reaction to this last sentance is this: If you don't like what you read here, then kiss my ass and go somewhere else online that is more suitable to your tastes...

    But...I'm trying, Ringo...I'm trying real hard...to give a thoughtful response to the criticism of the entire post.

    So, here goes...

    Many people here have been hurt by the WT organization. They've lost families, friends. They've been black listed, shunned, looked down on. This place acts as a support group in that outside of other ex-JWs, no one really understands what it's like to go through that ordeal. Some may have had it easier than others as they exited, so it's not our place to judge how they should act/react to what they experienced.

    As for theism/atheism, I think because many of us grew up our entire lives believing that the WTS was the only real authority on the Bible and God, when we learned they were wrong, it sparked curiousity in many who decided to do what they were never really allowed to do before: research independant sources about the Bible and God. This research is how many people learned a great many things about the history of the Bible and the history of modern religion. Ive learned a great deal from those here who are more stuidious in nature than I am. Sometimes what they share prompts me to go do my own research on what I find interesting.

    I do understand, to a degree, the criticism that you level against many here. We do need to put our experience behind us to a point. But as long as we continue to have to deal with JW faimly members, this religion will always have an impact on us. Personally, I'm mostly done debating the issues. I know the truth about the "truth". But I still have family active in the religion so I like to keep up to date with what's going on so that I might be able to use the changes in doctrine and practices to hopefully show them something that might jog their brain to question it. Along the way, I've come to like some of the people who post here and I've even met a couple of other ex-JWs who were here and lived near where I live.

    This place is not for everyone. It may bring back too many bad memories or be depressing. If that's the case, then I agree, hanging around here is counter-productive. If you feel this way, please understand that not eveyone feels the same as you and if you respect our wishes to be here, we'll respect your wishes to not be here.

    Good luck on your personal journey to freedom

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    To be blunt Blue Grass, if you've got nothing better to do than come to this site and whine about how much we all whine, then you're just as much a loser as you claim us to be - if not an even bigger one.

    Seriously, go out and get yourself a life.

  • Blue Grass
    Blue Grass

    To Sad Emo(the name says it all), I discovered this site over two years ago and I only made a complaint once. I know you guys like to twist information and make things up but at least try to stick to the facts. The fact is I visit this site on average about once a month and that's only to download Watchtowers and check for any doctiral changes.

  • PSacramento

    BLue Grass,

    I understand how you feel, certianly at times when I see the bible being attacked I feel a bit puzzuled why anyone that don't believe in it would bother, I even made a thread about a while back.

    Yet I now understand why some do that and their motivations for it, it is hardly because they are losers, far from that, it is because they wwish to express their right to voice an opinion, many times a vwey well thought off and educated opinion ( though sometimes not).

    I feel that ALL deserve to express their views, whether I agree with them or not is irrelvant, we all have the right.

    My faith is not so weak that it can't stand to be bashed a bit and it becomes all the stronger as I try to answer these critiques and I research and find the truth, even if the truth is something I didn't want to see in the beginning.

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