I'm sorry to Gadget, who brought up a similar topic & it reminded me of something I was told 2 days ago. Is it true that jw's are the majority of people who are currently imprisoned for their beliefs? Can you give me examples if this is or is not the case? I sure would appreciate it. Is there a website with the stats?
Are JW's the only ones imprisoned for their beliefs?
by homeschool 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Assuming you specifically mean persecution of Christians and other religions (recognizing that the non-religious are also persecuted for their ideologies), you might like to look here:
There are thousands of Christians throughout the world who are persecuted for their faith. Most of these are orthodox Christians, living in non-Christian lands. Just google "Voice of the Martyrs".
I have known BIble Students who spent a liftime in work camps behind the iron curtain simply for owning a copy of Russell's books. So ... no, this is not unique to the JW's.
Thanks for the comments everybody! i really do need your suggestions, thanks for sharing. Oh, and RR...special thanks you you ...and i thought you were a meany
I checked out Voice Of Martyrs...
Black Sheep
Here ya go homeshcool......
534 women, children leave polygamist ranch
All 401 children deemed in danger; arrest made earlier at compound
Black Sheep
This guy has spent many years in prison for his beliefs
So have some of his followers. One was denied freedom today.
There is nothing unusual or prophetic about being persecuted for religious beliefs.
Now the reason why the JW's get persecuted, is because they have a martyr complex. They go around making a nusiance (sp?) of themselves. They want to be noticed, "look at us". Funny they want people to know who they are and what they do. Something newsworthy geets published, mentioning that they JW's, is nice. But when someone rapes a child, embezzles money, murders, and it gets mentioned that they are JW's. The JW's cry "why do they have to mention he is a JW, what does that have to do with what he did?" Well, I can ask the samething, why does the paper have to mention that the man who saved a life using CPR was a JW, what does that have to do with anything? Can't have it both ways.
This is all very good information. Any suggestions on how to bring up a subject that's already been brought? (yes, thats my cheesy attempt at bringing out a line from Bring It On) . Without sounding argumentative?
There are often massacres of christians in certain parts of Indonesia and of course there are thousands of Tibetan Buddhists in jail in China.