Do`in good..
It`s a cool day,finally..
We`re getting some rain..Finally..
The pets are happy..
I`m going to have a nice cup of coffee and hang out on JWN..
by snowbird 31 Replies latest jw friends
Do`in good..
It`s a cool day,finally..
We`re getting some rain..Finally..
The pets are happy..
I`m going to have a nice cup of coffee and hang out on JWN..
Hi, Outlaw!
I'm happy that you are happy!
Hi Sylvia..
I`m happy,that your happy,that I`m happy!..LOL!!
I`m going to visit my kids so I`m even happier!
This is going to be a long day,so when I get home I`m going to crack a beer..
I`ll drink 1 for me and 2 for you..Because I`m not greedy..LOL!!
I bought a six pack of Miller this past weekend because I couldn't find any Bud Big Mouths at the little corner store.
I even drank one for breakfast on Sunday!
I'm stompin' with the big dogs!
We just got the" Bud Lime" up here..
The stores can`t keep it in stock..
If Bud Wieser ever figures out how much Canadians like Cheese ..
We`ll probably see a BudCheese in Canadian liquor stores..
My day started out with a good chuckle .
This morning while driving School Bus I heard one of our mini bus drivers over the radio .(She drives pre-schoolers and the parents are responsible for putting them in their seats and buckeling them in ). Any ways, over the radio she is half laughing and asks the dispatcher if a dress code exisits for parents putting their child on the bus ???? Because she just had a Dad come on in his underwear ,no shirt ,no shoes just his undies ,to put his kid on the bus !
I can't wait to go back this afternoon and ask her if it was boxers or briefs ! ( and was he at least good looking )
That's a good one, TroubledMind.
Tee hee hee.
Wonderful. I hope it will rub off on me.
Your "love" thread certainly gave me an uplift, FHN.
And the greatest of [more] peace to you!
Your servant and a slave of Christ,