By Elissa Wall? When I read it, I was very tearful because I could associate a lot of her life with mine. The FLDS church is MUCH more strict than JW's, but reading the book made me see that jw's are not the only ones who believe certain things, like that they have the "truth", or the roles of women, or the way men make their own decisions and then claim it's from god. Or the way people always felt depressed when they weren't given certain roles in the congregation. It's a great read!
Have you read Stolen Innocence?
by homeschool 12 Replies latest social entertainment
Does it have a happy ending?
yes it does. or does it...? hehe, I can't tell you!!!
It sounds kind of depressing. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just that I've done so much reading, research and thinking about my past with the WTS which is depressing enough. If I'm going to go out of my way to read someone's story right now I need it to at least have a happy ending.
She's got a very similar ending to most of us on jwn....she's happy, but unfortunately, her family is still very much "in" the faith. So its depressing, but I felt invigorated reading it
For more information about the FLDS, read "Under the Banner of Heaven" by Jon Krakauer. FLDS members are like dubs, except that they act like they're on steroids and they love guns.
Warning: This book does NOT have a happy ending.
AwwwWWW...c'mon Parakeet! Yes it does! She....well, can't say...but C'mon!
homeschool: AwwwWWW...c'mon Parakeet! Yes it does! She....well, can't say...but C'mon!
Not to bring down the general mood of "happy endings," what I can tell you is how "Under the Banner of Heaven" begins. A young LDS mother and her baby daughter were slaughtered by her FLDS brothers-in-law because "God" told them to do it.
That's not in the book I was suggesting
That's not in the book I was suggesting
I know. Sorry about the downer, but the book is well researched, and the facts about the LDS and particularly the FLDS are not all sweetness and light, to say the least.
I plan to read "Stolen Innocence." Knowing what I do about the FLDS, I can pretty much guess the kind of life she was forced (literally) to live before her escape. The escape part sounds good, though.