click on the video.... it's uploaded in high def...
Jehovahs Witnesses: the only organization preaching the good news
by JWMediaFilms 37 Replies latest jw friends
it isn't clickable
it isn't clickable
Sorry, I fixed it... I was using firefox, aparently that's not compatible
uh huh... "good news! when you die and are eaten by birds, I will be coming and living in your house! And your children and your pets will die WITH you if you dont start a study and BECOME A JEHOVAHS WITNESS NOWWWWWW!"
So...when would be a good time for me to come back? Same time next week?
Organizations do not preach. People do. Or not.
well done
I have a hard copy of the Holman Christian Standard and it uses "house to house" at Acts 20:20. Although it isn't Jesus saying these words, is it also a mistranslation? Should it be the same as Acts 5:42?
Very well done, once again.
In order to fulfill prophecy:
1] find a prophecy 2] work out a personal application of that prophecy that nobody else agrees with. 3] Get your followers to declare this message door to door..
Then of course you are the only ones "fulfilling the prophecy"...good innit!