is there any consortium, or database, of any ongoing legal matters with WTS? Tort or Class Action? Any law firms which specialize in some of the inevitable legal issues?
legal issue
by stillin 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Love and Norris handle many of the child molestation cases. Barbara Anderson has chronicled many past child molestation cases at, but I don't know of anyone who keeps track of ongoing legal issues.
Is that the ONLY issue confronting the WTS? I would think that there would be others, with whom notes,and expenses, could somehow be discreetly shared...
Lady Lee
The Hughes blood case is still going on. I suspect there are other blood related cases happening. You might find that on the website.
the silentlambs website posts a lot of info on sexual abuse
Barb Anderson'w website provides a wealth of info
Love & Norros might have more info
thanks,LL. I'll see what I can find. It's one of those things; last week thy came for the Polish guy three doors down, and I kept quiet. Two days ago they came for the Jew next door, and I kept quiet. Tomorrow they're coming for me and there aren't any good neighbors left.
I'm thinking of taking legal advice about a matter and wondered if the Society are facing a similiar legal issue elsewhere. Witnesses regularly come into my workplace and shun me. This has been extrememly hard to deal with at times and I've found it diffiuclt to do my job. The anxiety and stress they cause bychoosing to do that to me is bordering on harassment and intimidation.
Blondie recently gave me some quotes showing that the purpose of shunning was to make the person "ashamed" or "feel shame". If this is their intent when they shun me, then I've got the right to work in an environment free from such emotional intimidation.
I wonder if anyone else is fighting a lawsuit of this nature?
I haven't pursued this option yet but if the dubs don't leave me alone, I'll certainly take some advice.
Lady Lee
It's a form of discrimination. If your company has an ombudsman/person you might want to talk to them first. Also try a Human Resource person. Depending on where you live iof there is an organization that deals with discrimination in the workplace try them.
Having your company behind you is a huge boost in getting some action taken.
If you really are living in the UK the 1997 Act on Protection from Harrassment and Criminal Harrassment will be useful.
If you complain to the police, and upon presenting your experiences they agree that the treatment amounts to harrassment under the Act - you have a case. Indeed under the act anybody you inform of the situation who agrees it is harrassment is important.
The legal definition of "bullying" is given.
The European parliament is way ahead on this compared to America or Canada. Hence the backdown in Bulgaria on Blood and DF.
Incidentally - the law can be used in connexion with Elders calling you visiting you or even making announcements about you at the Kingdumb Hell.
If they are trying to DF you, I dont know if the "alienation of Affection" as under US law applies.
Thanks for your advice Lady Lee and Hamsterbait. I'll explore the avenues you mention and see what my options are.
Boyzone - When I used the Data Protection Act with my wife's cong., to obtain personal information etc. they just fell to bits, they are absolutely petrified of 'the law'.
Use the various acts to your advantage, BUT don't spend a fortune engaging lawyers.