A female journalist in Sudan was spared a whipping for wearing trousers on Thursday and was instead fined $200 dollars......the Watchtower society is currently planning to adopt simular punishment for wayward Sisters.
Sudanese woman avoids court whipping for wearing trousers....Watchtower society furious at decision!
by Witness 007 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals
very funny.
The whipping or the fining?
Witness 007
Which would you prefer Mrsjones? Where my "cat of nine tails."
lifelong humanist
James Bond...your post made me laugh out loud.
If its not sisters wearing trousers, its men growing beards or whatever other trivial thing the WTS decide is a serious sin and has to be clamped down upon...as a proud Scot, not only do I sometimes wear a kilt (skirt), but many of my friends believe that I was 'born with a beard'!
My wife (who's still in) was visiting her English cousin on Saturday, and couldn't believe that there were no skirts available in the top s ops in Newcastle Upon Tyne - a fairly large city in NE England. Apparemntly, most women, especially business women, wear trousers, in favour of skirts!
The WTS live in the dark ages and have absolutely no fashion sense whatsoever!
Witness 007
12 women were arrested for wearing trousers in a resturant in the capital by 30 Policemen even though they were not Muslim's and under Sharia law.....several pleaded guilty and were imediatley given 10 lashes "to get it over with."
Witness 007
"Allah is merciful".......except for any Bitches in trousers may they burn in Muslim Hell!
10 lashes! Even one is too many!!!!
angel eyes
that made me smile :) thanks witness 007
Ive had to wear trousers sometimes....mainly after treatment on my back....not too often and i get some strange comments..lol
Sometimes, I read this kind of stuff and if makes me sick to my stomach. Pigs!