Yes, every day that passes means that one less day remains. But who knows how many days remain? No man does, no organization of men does: that is known only to the Father (Matthew 24:36).
The Christians' task is to live our days according to the Son's teachings. Those teachings are not about serving man's organization, rather they are about living a life of Chrisitian love as taught by the Son and inspired by the Holy Spirit. It does not matter if an organization is prophetic and has "truth", if it does not foster Christian love it is not doing God's will. "Though I command languages human and angelic--if I speak without love, I am no more than a gong booming or a cymbal clashing. And though I have the power of prophecy, to penetrate all mysteries and knowledge, and though I have all the faith necessary to move mountains--if I am without love, it will do me no good whatever." (1 Corinthians 13:1-2, New Jerusalem translation).
Because the Watchtower is more concerned with counting the days until Armageddon than with teaching love for all mankind, especially your enemies (Matthew 5: 43-48) I cannot accept their message as genuine Christian teachings. Live the Christian life because it's what the Son taught us to do, and what the Holy Spirit tells our hearts is the right thing to do--not because you fear anihilation on the last day.