Maybe this is just me and how I see things as an outsider: BUT why is it that witnesses seem to flirt, and touch, and act as horny as a cat in heat?
Is it proper for a witnesses to call a nonwitness at 11:00 at night while she is taking a bubble bath?
Is is proper for a witness to put a white rose on a man's jeep? What does that mean?
Is it spiritually acceptabale to come to work with 3 buttons unfastened on her shirt, and flaunt the fact that she is unbuttoned?
Maybe this is just a love-fest of a religion, but why does all the sweet innocent sisters seem unable to keep their hands off any sinful man, esp those who think they are not a player but the game itself.
Am I the only one who sees this?
I am not stereotyping since I know some who are very sweet and proper, but the younger girls esp. act like all they want is a holy piece of ass.
I could list countless examples.