I have listened to Culture Club when they were big (Boy George was on horse), but I didn't take any horse.
I listened to Prince when he was a toilet mouth, and the Purple Rain album was filthy by mainstream standards. It was, in fact, the album that got the "Parental Advisory" stickers we know and love so much today, as a compromise to be allowed to produce such music at all. Yet it did not lead me to do any fornication.
I listened to Michael Jackson--his Off the Wall and Thriller albums were among my favorites, and had some of my favorite songs on them. Yet I did not go on to molest boys or take any drugs.
When I was a child, we used to listen to the Doors and Led Zeppelin (they were mainstream back in the late 1960s and early 1970s). And I never did any drugs.
What these people don't tell you is, if you are moved to do something that is bad for yourself or society simply by the music you listen to, and especially if you are going to do it because of a backmasked message, you really need to work on your independent thinking. A truly independent thinker can listen to music that glorifies using drugs, whether openly or subliminally, and not take the drugs because of the harm they do to your brain and your liver. If, however, you are programmed to do everything the music you listen to tells you to, you are going to have a problem.